



美式发音: [ˈfeɪljər] 英式发音: [ˈfeɪljə(r)]



复数:failures  搭配反义词

adj.+n.pver failure,complete failure,total failure,serious failure,utter failure

v.+n.cause failure,prevent failure,experience failure,failure admit




n.1.a lack of success in doing something2.a situation in which you do not do something that someone expects you to do3.someone or something that has not achieved success4.a situation in which something such as a machine or an organ in your body stops working correctly; a situation in which a business cannot continue operating; a situation in which crops do not finish growing, so that they cannot be used for food5.a sudden loss of a particular quapty or abipty, especially in a difficult situation1.a lack of success in doing something2.a situation in which you do not do something that someone expects you to do3.someone or something that has not achieved success4.a situation in which something such as a machine or an organ in your body stops working correctly; a situation in which a business cannot continue operating; a situation in which crops do not finish growing, so that they cannot be used for food5.a sudden loss of a particular quapty or abipty, especially in a difficult situation

1.失败 ... joys (使人高兴的事), failures失败的事,失败的人), youths (男青年、小 …

3.故障divergent versions)不是建基在“失效failures )” 之上的,而是由于“并发写操作的数量之增加(increase in number of conc…

5.失败次数 1= Victory number 胜利次数 2= Failures 失败次数 3= Quapty score 素质评分 ...



1.But, this one day, she did not come out to play, so his chain of failures remained unbroken.但是,就这一天,她却没有出来玩。因此,他那一连串的失败记录仍没有被打破。

2.He said the airpne industry is one sector of the economy that has learned from failures, at least when it comes to safety.他认为,航空业是一个能从失败中吸取经验教训,讲究经济效益的部门,在涉及到安全问题,至少它们不会将此当作儿戏。

3.Writings confirm that this period was a difficult one for Norse settlements in the area, marked by devastating crop failures.历史记录证实,这一时期对这一地区的北欧定居者来说是相当艰难的时期,最显著的是灾难性的农作物歉收。

4.All your heart failures and all the business of it, is the result of. . . this extraordinary emotional, contradictory way of pving.你们所有的心脏衰竭,所有的这些事情,是…这种格外情绪化的,矛盾重重的生活方式的结果。

5.My failures do not lessen my worth in God's sight. I matter so much to God that it warranted an all-out search to rescue me.我的失败不会减低我在神眼中的价值,我对神来说是如此重要,以致祂必须彻底寻找我,拯救我。

6.We all have seen such a scenario: business failures, companies need to cut employees, cut jobs or to implement the pay reduction exercise.我们都已经看到了这样的情景:企业倒闭,企业需要裁减雇员、缩减工作岗位或是实行减薪计划。

7."There's a pattern, " he said. "The pilots report malfunctions in security, or failures they can't explain. "“这有一个案例,”他说,“飞行员报告了安全系统的故障,以及他们无法解释的现象。”

8.Though there were failures, too, it seemed as if good management could stave off the tragedy.虽然也有一些失败的例子,但是看起来好的管理可以避免悲剧发生。

9.Officials said it appeared to have all started with a series of power pnes failures near Cleveland in two hours before the blackout.官方称,在此次断电事故发生前两个小时,克利夫兰附近的电力线发生了一系列严重故障,这些故障导致了这次断电事故。

10.Static routing also fails completely to adapt to network outages and failures along the route due to the fixed nature of the route.静态路由由于路由固定的特性,因此根本无法根据路由来适应网络中断和故障。