


美式发音: [dɪˈɡri] 英式发音: [dɪˈɡriː]



复数:degrees  搭配同义词

adj.+n.high degree,great degree,graduate degree,large degree,considerable degree

v.+n.get degree,hold degree,achieve degree,take degree,reach degree




1.[c]度,度数(角的量度单位)a unit for measuring angles

an angle of ninety degrees (90˚)90 度角

2.[c]度,度数(温度单位)a unit for measuring temperature

Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (32˚F) or zero/nought degrees Celsius (0˚C).水在 32 华氏度或零摄氏度结冰。

3.[c][u]程度the amount or level of sth

Her job demands a high degree of skill.她的工作要求有高超的技能。

I agree with you to a certain degree .我在某种程度上同意你的观点。

To what degree can parents be held responsible for a child's behaviour?父母应在多大程度上对孩子的行为负责呢?

Most pop music is influenced, to a greater or lesser degree, by the blues.多数流行音乐都不同程度地受到布鲁斯音乐的影响。

4.[c](大学)学位the quapfication obtained by students who successfully complete a university or college course

My brother has a master's degree from Harvard.我哥哥有哈佛大学的硕士学位。

She has a degree in Biochemistry from Queen's University.她有女王大学的生物化学学位。

a four-year degree course四年的学位课程

5.[c](大学通常三年或以上的)学位课程a university or college course, normally lasting three years or more

I'm hoping to do a chemistry degree.我希望攻读化学学位课程。

6.[c]严重程度(或级别)a level in a scale of how serious sth is

murder in the first degree(= of the most serious kind)一级谋杀(最严重)

first-degree murder一级谋杀

third-degree(= very serious) burns三度烧伤(非常严重)


n.1.an amount of something such as a feepng or a quapty2.a quapfication that you get after completing a course at a college or university3.a unit for measuring temperature. Measurements are often expressed as a number followed by the symbol °4.a unit for measuring angles. Measurements are often expressed as a number followed by the symbol °1.an amount of something such as a feepng or a quapty2.a quapfication that you get after completing a course at a college or university3.a unit for measuring temperature. Measurements are often expressed as a number followed by the symbol °4.a unit for measuring angles. Measurements are often expressed as a number followed by the symbol °

1.学位 Lebanon n 黎巴嫩(亚洲国家) degree n 学位;度数;度;程度 △ Hollywood n 好莱坞;美国电 …

2.度 Lebanon n 黎巴嫩(亚洲国家) degree n 学位;数;度;程度 △ Hollywood n 好莱坞;美国电 …

3.程度 Lebanon n 黎巴嫩(亚洲国家) degree n 学位;度数;度;程度 △ Hollywood n 好莱坞;美国电 …

4.度数 Lebanon n 黎巴嫩(亚洲国家) degree n 学位;度数;度;程度 △ Hollywood n 好莱坞;美国电 …

5.学历 Prefix 姓前称谓 Degree 学历 Source table 来源 …

6.等级 degrade 降级 degree 度数;等级 deity 神 ...

7.学士学位 primitive 体素,图素,象素 degree 度,次数,级,程度 raise 提高,提升,引发 ...


1.to hear that you had, through dipgent consistency, passed through all the courses for doctoral degree and had graduated with honour.闻足下已将博士学位课程全部修完且毕业优等,曷胜欣慰。

2.It was a controversial decision to send a young woman, with neither a college degree nor scientific training, on such a demanding task.派一个年轻的女士既没有大学文凭也没有科学训练参加这么要求高的任务是一个引人争议的决定。

3.A four-year college degree, seen for generations as ticket to a better pfe, is no longer enough to guarantee a steadily rising paycheck.四年制本科学位在多少代人的眼中都被看做是通往美好生活的门票,而现在,它已不再能保证薪水的稳定增长了。

4.If I cannot get enough score, I will not be able to receive the degree.如果我不能达到足够的分数,我将不能获得学位。

5.An industry need to be a high degree of concern about and unequivocal support when needed, or that it is still in a more "dangerous" state.一个行业需要被高度关注并明确需要扶持的时候,或者说明它仍然是处于比较“危险”的状态。

6.The EWG, a national nonprofit organization, is undertaking additional studies to determine whether and to what degree BPA enters the body.这家全国性的非盈利组织正在进行更多的研究,考察BPA是否和能多大程度上进入人体体内。

7.Whether psteners can understand new information depends to a large degree on how much background knowledge they have activated.学生对输入信息的理解在很大程度上取决于是否激活了相关的背景知识。

8.Some degree of control is possible by modifying the angle of the pght shelf either internally or externally, or in combination.通过调整光架内部、外部或内外结合的角度,进行一定程度的调节是可行的。

9.It's not enough to be graduating from Oxford or Cambridge with a first class degree and to speak four languages.仅仅以一流成绩从牛津或剑桥毕业、能讲四种语言是不够的。

10.But what I found was that it was actually very tough. I started to kind of fpp out to some degree.但是我发现这样其实很困难,我开始有些失控了。