



1.How do we know it's not a fake? It looks pke a fake. Bidder: Well, one thing we know. You're no fake. You are a genuine idiot.我们怎么知道它是不是假的呢?看起来就是假的。投标人:好的,现在我们知道了一点,只有你不是假的,你是货真价实的傻瓜。

2.Tina: Love songs today are always so fake! You can tell that the singer is not really in love.蒂娜:现在的情歌总是那么假!你可以看出,歌手并不真的在恋爱。

3.This blog is fake. You need to be banned forever for bepeving it was real.这个博客是假的。如果你相信是真的你要被永久禁言了。

4.Counterfeit means fake, you may have counterfeit money, or counterfeit goods.山寨就是假的意思,有可能会有假币或者仿冒的商品。

5.Be wary of players who might attempt to fake you out by going right next to some semi important structures.要警惕你的对手有可能声东击西的占领你的一些次重要建筑。

6.You can always make me laugh, but it is a fake . . . You might make me laugh . . .你可以随时让我笑,但那是假的…意思正确简单易懂就可以了。

7.Not all fake. You. . . you say common spoken Chinese.也不都是编的啦.你…你讲普通话。

8.When you say a painting is a fake, you mean it is not authentic.当你说一幅画是赝品时,你是指它不是真品。

9.Bidder: Well, one thing we know. You' re no fake. You are a genuine idiot.投标人:好的,现在我们知道了一点,只有你不是假的,你是货真价实的傻瓜。

10.They're so fake you might as well have drawn the picture, anyway.他们是那么假你也许还会得出的图片,无论如何。