

fall ill

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1.生病 fall behind 落后 fall ill 生病 fall in love with sb. 爱上某人 ...

2.病倒 fall asleep 入睡 fall ill 患病,病倒 far away 遥远的 ...

3.患病 (9) 强大,宏大[ powerful] (1) 患病,生一般的病[ fall ill] (3) 厌恶;憎恨[ disgust;hate] ...

4.得病 22. at sea 在航海中,在海上 23.fall ill 生病,得病 24.keep sb.healthy 使……保持健康 ...

5.病倒了 7很久 a very long time 8病倒了 fall ill 9(我)做```你介意吗? Would you mind me doing sth? ...

6.害病 恶人[ evil] 1. 害病[ fall ill] 2. 害虫[ injurious insect] ...

7.患病,病倒 fall into 落入;陷入 89. fall ill 患病,病倒 90. far away 遥远的 91. ...

8.闹病 [have a jolly time] 欢快、兴高采烈的 闹病[ fall ill] 闹翻[ break off] ...


1.Her husband said, not kiss, carry out his wife for valentine, glue make fall ill, after coming home, still have divorced.她的丈夫说,没有吻,贯彻他的妻子为情人节、胶使生病了,回家后,仍有离婚了。

2.Sanlu Group is at the heart of the milk crisis which has seen four Chinese babies die and another 53, 000 fall ill.三鹿集团是这场牛奶危机的核心,已经目睹了四个中国婴儿的死亡和其他五万三千个孩子生病的现实。

3.If they fall ill or suffer from diseases for a long period, their financial situation will become worse due to the high cost of treatment.如果他们生病了,或者长期患病,高昂的治疗费用会使他们的经济状况变得更糟。

4.In the old days people on long sea voyages used to go short of vitamin C, which made some of them fall ill.古时候长时间在海上航行的人往往缺乏维生素C,结果有些人就生病了。

5.Staying in an air-conditioned room for too long may cause people to fall ill.在空调房间待太久会使人生病。

6.People with HIV infection, however, in close contact with a TB patient, are more pkely to catch TB and fall ill.但是,艾滋病毒感染者与结核患者密切接触,更有可能感染结核和患病。

7.That animals, in spite of prevention, fall ill, they must be treated; preference is to be given to natural or homeopathic treatments.尽管给予了预防,但是万一那些动物生病它们必须被特别关爱特别对待,给它们进行自然的顺势疗法。

8.people in close contact with infected birds can fall ill and die , but the latest report did not mention any human cases.与感染病毒的家禽有紧密接触的人会致病和死亡,但是最新的报告并未提及任何人类感染案例。

9.President is very thoughtful, and every time I fall ill, and he will stay at home to take care of me, help me do housework.先生还是很体贴,每次我生病了,他都会留在家里照顾我,帮我做家务。

10.As more fall ill and are unable to perform these tasks, the devastation of the AIDS epidemic expands.随着更多的妇女因患病无法履行这些责任,艾滋病造成的灾难将更为深重。