


美式发音: [.aɪ ti 'en] 英式发音: [.aɪ tiː 'en]


网络释义:英国独立电视新闻公司(Independent Television Network);英国独立电视台(ITV News);蚊帐



un.1.Independent Television News: a British organization that prepares news reports for several independent television stations

1.英国独立电视新闻公司(Independent Television Network)次报税,又没有没有社会保险卡号,则需要向税务局申请Individual Tax Number(ITN),即临时税号,一个0开头的9位号码。

5.国际新闻网影片根据国际新闻网(ITN)记者迈克尔·理查德森1992年在南斯拉夫的亲身经历编拍而成,是反映南斯拉夫内战的影片。故事描述 …

6.独立电视新闻(independent television news)英国“独立电视新闻”(ITN)记者克里斯多弗尔在帮助小潘金福罪过啊!


1.I had not told ITN in case the story fell flat, and I made sure only a handful of trusted South Africans knew the plan.因为怕采访泡汤,我没有通知英国独立电视台,而且尽力保证只有少数几个牢靠的南非人知道这个计划。

2.Once ITN number is available we can share it with you and export process can be done.一经ITN数字是可得的我们能与你分享它,而且输出品程序能被做。

3.Objective To investigate the cpnical features and MRI classification of patients with intracranial tubercular nodus (ITN).目的研究颅内结核结节(ITN)的MRI分型和临床特点。

4.The ITN is currently in the planning stages of follow-up studies designed to test emerging tolerance therapies in islet transplantation.ITN目前正在计划随访试验,用来检验日益增多的胰岛移植的耐受疗法。

5.Formed in 1955, ITN was the news arm of Independent Television.新闻部是英国独立电视台的臂膀,成立于1955年。

6.The BBC, Sky News and ITN are lobbying Kenneth Clarke, the justice secretary, to relax the filming embargo.天空以及独立新闻电视台都在游说司法部长,KennethClarke放宽摄像的管制禁令。

7.The effect of larviciding, ITNs and other determinants of malaria risk was assessed by means of generapzed estimating equations.采用广义估计方程均值,对杀幼蚊、ITN和疟疾发病风险的其他因素的效果进行评估。

8.ITn, declared in the same package in which the intersection type appears.在交集类型出现的相同包中声明。

9.He joined ITN in 1980 as industrial correspondent, [ 4 ] soon joining its roster of additional newsreaders.1980年他加入了英国独立电视台记者在诸如工业,[4]很快加入其新闻播音员名册增加。

10.Household ITN ownership reached more than 50% in 13 of the 35 highest burden African countries.在35个高负担非洲国家中的13个国家中,50%以上的家庭拥有药浸蚊帐。