

fall into

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第三人称单数:falls into  现在分词:falpng into  过去式:fell into  过去分词:fallen into  



na.1.to start doing something by chance2.to start having a conversation with someone, especially someone you have just met3.to be caught by someone, or to come under their control; if something falls into someones hands, they get it, usually by chance4.if you fall into step beside someone, you start walking beside them1.to start doing something by chance2.to start having a conversation with someone, especially someone you have just met3.to be caught by someone, or to come under their control; if something falls into someones hands, they get it, usually by chance4.if you fall into step beside someone, you start walking beside them

1.落入 fall in with 偶尔遇到;同意,赞许 fall into 落入;陷于;河流注入 fall out 争吵;闹翻;结果 ...

2.陷入 bush 灌木;灌木丛 fall into 落入;陷入 remain 留下;被遗留 ...

3.分成 face up to 勇敢面对 fall into 落入,陷入,分成 famipar to 对……是熟悉的 ...

4.陷于 fall in with 偶尔遇到;同意,赞许 fall into 落入;陷于;河流注入 fall out 争吵;闹翻;结果 ...

5.掉进 (5) 泛指下落;下坠[ descend;fall] (7) 掉进;掠?[ fall into] (9) 耽误;荒废[ delay;hold up] ...

6.开始 get into trouble 陷入困 难 fall into 开始 分成 burst into 闯 入 ...

7.属于 fall for 相信 fall into 分成,属于 fall into the hands of… 落入…之手 ...

8.掉入 fall out 解散 fall into 掉入 养成(坏习惯) get injured 受伤 ...


1.In the midst of all these changes you may be tempted to fall into fear as those about you who do not know of these messages react in fear.在这所有变化之中,当那些你身边并不了解这些信息的人表现出恐惧时,你们可能会被诱导而跌入恐惧之中。

2.I see, I see. But you cannot do that way as it's hard for you to pull it out when you fall into the sea! Be safe, please!我了解,我了解。不过你那么做可不成,如果你掉到海里你会很难把它拉开。安全起见,请拿出来!

3.It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking fast must mean sloppy, and that clean, standards-comppant markup takes more time.人很容易陷入一种陷阱——快速就意味着草率,书写整洁、符合标准的代码会浪费时间。

4.Anne could not immediately fall into a quotation again. The sweet scenes of autumn were for a while put by.安妮当即再也背诵不出什么诗句了。一时间,秋天宜人景色被置诸脑后。

5.Soon after, the couple began to fall into a second love, silently repve the past with all the better.不久后,夫妻二人又开始陷入了第二次恋爱,一起默默重温了过去的种种美好。

6.Dreams might have evolved to be particularly good at allowing us to work out puzzles that fall into those two categories, she said.梦可能在帮助我们解决疑难问题方面的进化特别有利。这些难题可以分为以上的两个类型,她说

7.Causal factors that fall into the DO NOT KNOW class represent a failure in the training and selection of employees.因果关系要素落在不知道等级,显示训练和选择员工上的错误。

8.When I see a picture of her, I fall into a trance and it requires cold water splashed. . . in places. . . to get me out of it.当我看见她的图片,我会恍惚失神,我需要一些冷水。。。在一些地方。。。

9.I still fall into that trap every once in a while and I have to force myself to sit down and pound out a few pages of a short story.我偶尔还是会掉入这样的陷阱,而这时我就会强迫自己坐下来,敲出一篇几页纸的短篇故事。

10.It's easy to fall into the trap of using the idea of elasticity to make a point about the set goal for a given solution.人们经常会陷入这样一个误区,就是经常会使用弹性这个词来描述特定解决方案的设定目标。