


美式发音: [ˈmaɪˌɡreɪt] 英式发音: [maɪˈɡreɪt]



第三人称单数:migrates  现在分词:migrating  过去式:migrated  同义词




1.[i](随季节变化)迁徙to move from one part of the world to another according to the season

Swallows migrate south in winter.燕子在冬天迁徙到南方。

2.[i]移居;迁移to move from one town, country, etc. to go and pve and/or work in another

Thousands were forced to migrate from rural to urban areas in search of work.成千上万的人为了寻找工作被迫从农村涌进城市。

3.[i]移动;转移to move from one place to another

The infected cells then migrate to other areas of the body.受感染的细胞接着转移到身体的其他部位。

4.[i][t]~ (sb)(使)转移(到另一计算机系统)to change, or cause sb to change, from one computer system to another

5.[t]~ sth将(程序或硬件)迁移,转移(到另一系统)to move programs or hardware from one computer system to another


v.1.to go to another place or country in order to work2.if a bird or animal migrates, it travels to another part of the world for warmer weather at a particular time of the year3.to start to use a different computer system, or to make someone do this4.to move software or hardware to a different computer system5.if cells migrate, they move to a specific place in the body1.to go to another place or country in order to work2.if a bird or animal migrates, it travels to another part of the world for warmer weather at a particular time of the year3.to start to use a different computer system, or to make someone do this4.to move software or hardware to a different computer system5.if cells migrate, they move to a specific place in the body

1.迁移 commensurate a 相等的,相称的 migrate v 迁移,移居 migratory a 移居的,漂泊的 ...

2.移居 commensurate a 相等的,相称的 migrate v 迁移,移居 migratory a 移居的,漂泊的 ...

3.迁徙 annual adj. 每年的 migrate v. 迁徙 pattern n. 方式 ...

4.移动 vibrate 振动、颤动, migrate 移动, angulate 成角, ...

5.移民 移居〖 moveone'sresidence;migrate〗 移民migrate;emigrate〗 三峡移民〖 migrant〗 ...

6.定期移栖 migrant n.移民,候鸟 migrate v.迁移,迁居;定期移栖 milponaire n.百 …

7.转移 Venezuela 委内瑞拉 migrate 转移 gem quapty off-center wear 偏磨 ...

8.迁移,移居 midst/ 5midst/n. 中部,中间,当中 migrate/ mai5greit/vi. 迁移,移居 miptant/ 5miptEnt/a. 好战的 ...


1.My prime target this visit to Singapore was one of the two species of Bee-eaters that migrate here.我这次回新加坡的主要目标是迁徙到该处的两种食蜂鸟之一。

2.Corridors began to open up along the coast and through the mountains, letting people migrate south from Alaska for the first time.沿着海岸,穿过山脉,一条条通道显现出来,人们第一次从阿拉斯加向南迁移。

3.What is less clear is just how much of business and consumer software will migrate into the cloud, and how fast.有多少业务和客户软件会迁移到云中,这个过程有多快,还不得而知。

4.When migrating a cluster, it is sensible to carry out a staged migration and migrate queue managers one at a time.迁移一个集群时,最好进行分步迁移,即每次只迁移一个队列管理器。

5.If magma is going to erupt, it will start to move within the earth's crust and force its way up to migrate to the surface.如果岩浆即将喷发,它会先在地壳内流动,然后向上流向地球表面。

6.Hematopoietic stem cells have been shown to migrate to distant parts of the body in response to injury signals, as have cancer cells.此外,科学家也发现,造血干细胞会因应受伤的信号,移动到身体较远的其他部位,而癌细胞也会迁移。

7.Nutrient production would occur closer to the surface, promoting a food chain benefiting different species, as they migrate farther north.养分的产生将越发接近海平面,促进食物链惠及不同的物种,因为它们往北迁移。

8.Another approach might be to migrate branches of your run-time environment on an individual basis.另一个方案可能是基于个别的迁移运行时环境的分支。

9.She found that this process ultimately results in an asymmetry that stimulates cells to migrate in the direction of the flow.她发现,这一过程最终导致了一种不对称,即其激励细胞沿着这种流动方向迁移。

10.How much of that will migrate 340 miles north and into the pockets of ordinary people such as Ochkhuu is an open question.不过,究竟这些资金中有多少能穿越340英里的距离,进入像奥奇古这样平常百姓的腰包里,还是一个问题。