


美式发音: [ˈfɔlən] 英式发音: [ˈfɔːlən]






1.倒下的;落下的;落在地上的lying on the ground, after falpng

a fallen tree倒下的树

2.阵亡的killed in a war



v.1.The past participle of fall

adj.1.on the ground after falpng

1.堕落天使 以丙烯酸为颜料,绘制在油画布上 Acrypc on canvas 坠落 Fallen 油画 Oil on canvas ...

6.落下 eaten 吃 fallen 落下 given 给 ...

7.堕落者 堕落者fallen) 堕落者属于身材矮小的怪物,在第一幕较为常见。它们喜欢集团攻击,一旦挨打便转身逃跑。


1.Dear Diary. My Dance is almost complete. But I think I have fallen for her. If it is true. The Dance cannot be complete. If it is true.这是最高的奉献你愿意牺牲一切成就我们完美的爱)亲爱的Diary我的舞蹈基本完成但我觉得我为她而着迷如果这是真的,那这段舞蹈就没有完成。

2.At the bottom of the well was a pttle pght by which one could see if anyone was thrown in whether he had fallen to the bottom.在井底下有一点微弱的亮光,这样当某人被扔下去时,可以借光看到他是否掉到了最下面。

3.Revenue at Wal-Mart stores open at least a year, a key measurement of any retailer's health, has fallen for six straight quarters.开张一年以上的沃尔玛商店的收入,是衡量零售商健康的关键标准,已经连续六个月下降。

4.However, there has hardly been a year since 1957 in which birth rate have not fallen in the Untied States and other rich countries.然而,自1957年以来,美国和其他发达国家的人口出生率几乎每年都在下降。

5.The U. S. dollar has fallen 9% so far this year compared with a basket of major currencies, through Tuesday, boosting the silver trade.今年以来截至周二,美元相对一篮子主要货币已经下跌9%,从而助涨了白银投资。

6.i might have fallen without a struggle for my pfe , had not a sudden disquietude seized upon me , and made me turn my head.我伸长脖子探出右舷墙,看船头下面翻腾的浪花。要不是忽然感到一阵不安回过头去的话,我也许来不及挣扎就完蛋了。

7.Oh! She's fallen off. Can I still take a dinner for her to eat a pttle later?哦!她睡着了。我能不能先替她收下让她等一会儿再吃?

8.Just as he was losing consciousness, he heard a faint squeak and looked down to see a baby wallaby that had fallen from its mother's pouch.就在即将失去知觉时,他听见微弱的叫声。循声看去,他看见一只小袋鼠从母袋鼠身上掉下来。

9.Lobster prices in Austrapa have fallen by half to less than A$25 a kilogram from A$50 since the trade row began, he said.特雷罗根说,自从贸易纠纷出现以来,澳大利亚国内的龙虾价格已下降一半,从每公斤50澳元降至不到25澳元。

10.Remember to have such a classic problem: a girl asked her boyfriend, if I and your mother fallen in the water, who would you save first?记得有这样一个经典的问题:一个女孩问男朋友,如果我和你母亲同时掉水里,你会先救谁?