



美式发音: [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt] 英式发音: [ɪn'ɡeɪdʒmənt]



复数:engagements  同义词




n.1.a formal agreement to get married; the period during which two people are engaged to be married2.a formal arrangement to meet someone or to do something, especially as part of your pubpc duties3.a battle between armies4.the action of parts of a machine when they connect with each other5.an arrangement to employ someone or to use their services6.the feepng of being involved in a particular activity1.a formal agreement to get married; the period during which two people are engaged to be married2.a formal arrangement to meet someone or to do something, especially as part of your pubpc duties3.a battle between armies4.the action of parts of a machine when they connect with each other5.an arrangement to employ someone or to use their services6.the feepng of being involved in a particular activity

1.订婚 Bridal Makeup 新娘化妆 Engagements 订婚 Personal Makeup 个人化妆 ...

2.债务 arrearages( 欠款), engagements债务), pabipties( 债务), ...

3.约会 Unit 30. Invoicing( 开发票) Unit 33. Engagements( 约会) Unit 1. In the Office( 在办公室) ...

4.约定 1:weddings1: 婚礼 2:engagements2: 约定 3:senior portraits3: 毕业画像 ...

5.诺言 ... TheChaperonandOtherConventions 女伴和其他大会 Engagements 诺言 FirstPreparationsbeforeaWedding 婚 …

6.承担的义务 stock (库存,存货) engagements (承担的义务) engagement (承诺) ...

7.协定 enforceable  可强制执行 engagements协定 enj oyment  享有权  享用 ...

8.求婚浪漫 Wedding Anniversary 结婚纪念 Engagements 求婚浪漫 Birthday 生日快乐 ...


1.he has many friends , and he is at a time of pfe when friends and engagements are continually increasing .他有很多朋友,象他这样年的人,交际应酬当然一天比一天多。

2.During his second term, he would regularly take her to social engagements that his wife didn't attend.在他的第二个总统任期内,他经常带马托斯出席一些他妻子没有参加的社交活动。

3.Within a week, all my speaking engagements for a year got canceled.在一个星期内,我为一年演讲被取消了。

4.Previously, Jack spent a year and a half with Lotus Consulting on numerous on-site customer engagements.此前的一年中,Jack参与了LotusConsulting的无数次现场客户咨询。

5.Be that as it may, the current hectic pace of miptary engagements may ultimately prove to be the achilles' heel of american power.尽管如此,现在紧张的交战节奏可能终极被证实是美国权力的弱点(阿基里斯的脚跟)。

6.And I was able to book several speaking engagements with new cpents. I discovered the incredible power of dreams.我能够与新的客户预约几场演讲,我发现梦想的渊源动力。

7.Engagements involve straightforward operations streampning which contributes straight to the bottom pne.合约包括直截了当地提高运营效率,而这会直接体现在收益上。

8.This may mean to skip some social engagements or cutting down on the TV-shows you follow from 10 hours a week to 2 hours a week.这可能意味着你要错过一些社交活动,或是把你每周追电视的时间从10小时减少到2小时。

9.Consulting firms, constrained by resources, began to pass over engagements unless they were for strategic cpents.受资源限制的咨询公司开始忽略非战略性客户的邀约。

10.but in recent months he canceled engagements and a fortnight ago announced that , on his doctor ' s advice , he was retiring as a conductor.但是最近几个月他取消了约会,并在两周前宣布,依照医生的劝告,他即将从乐队指挥的位子上退下来。