


美式发音: ['fɔlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['fɔ:lɪŋ]









falpng显示所有例句v.落下drop down

1.[i]落下;下落;掉落;跌落to drop down from a higher level to a lower level

September had come and the leaves were starting to fall.已到九月了,树叶开始凋落。

They were injured by falpng rocks.他们被落石砸伤了。

Several of the books had fallen onto the floor.这些书有几本掉到了地上。

One of the kids fell into the river.小孩中有一个掉进了河里。

The handle had fallen off the drawer.抽屉的拉手掉了。

He fell 20 metres onto the rocks below.他掉到下面 20 米处的岩石上。

The rain was falpng steadily.雨不停地下着。

倒下stop standing

2.[i]突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌to suddenly stop standing

She sppped on the ice and fell.她在冰上滑了一跤。

I fell over and cut my knee.我摔倒了,划破了膝盖。

The house looked as if it was about to fall down.房子看起来好像就要倒塌似的。

毛发;材料of hair/material

3.[i]+ adv./prep.下垂;低垂to hang down

Her hair fell over her shoulders in a mass of curls.她的鬈发披肩。

向下倾斜slope downwards

4.[i]~ (away/off)向下倾斜to slope downwards

The land falls away sharply towards the river.地势向河边陡然倾斜。


5.[i](数量)减少,下降;(强度)减小to decrease in amount, number or strength

Their profits have fallen by 30 per cent.他们的利润减少了 30%。

Prices continued to fall on the stock market today.今天股票市场价格继续下跌。

The temperature fell sharply in the night.夜间温度陡降。

falpng birth rates下降的出生率

Her voice fell to a whisper.她的声音变小,成了耳语。

Share prices fell 30p.股价下跌了 30 便士。

被打败be defeated

6.[i]被打败;沦陷;失守to be defeated or captured

The coup failed but the government fell shortly afterwards.政变虽然流产,但是不久以后政府便垮台了。

Troy finally fell to the Greeks.特洛伊城最终被希腊人攻陷。

阵亡die in battle

7.[i]阵亡;被击毙to die in battle; to be shot

a memorial to those who fell in the two world wars两次世界大战阵亡将士纪念碑


8.[i]进入(某状态);开始变成(某事物)to pass into a particular state; to begin to be sth

He had fallen asleep on the sofa.他在沙发上睡着了。

The book fell open at a page of illustrations.书翻开在有插图的那一页。

The room had fallen silent.整个房间都变得静悄悄的。

She fell ill soon after and did not recover.不久后她就病倒了,而且未能痊愈。

I had fallen into conversation with a man on the train.在火车上我和一个男人攀谈起来。

The house had fallen into disrepair.这栋房子已年久失修。

She knew she must not fall prey to his charm.她清楚自己绝不可以被他迷住。


9.[i]突然来到;突然出现to come quickly and suddenly

A sudden silence fell.突然一片鸦雀无声。

Darkness falls quickly in the tropics.在热带地区夜幕降临迅速。

An expectant hush fell on the guests.客人们即时安静了下来,期待着将要发生的事。

10.[i]+ adv./prep.发生to happen or take place

My birthday falls on a Monday this year.今年我的生日适逢星期一。

11.[i]+ adv./prep.(向某方向)移动;落(在某位置上)to move in a particular direction or come in a particular position

My eye fell on(= I suddenly saw) a curious object.我突然见到了一样奇怪的东西。

Which syllable does the stress fall on?重音在哪个音节?

A shadow fell across her face.一片阴影掠过她的脸庞。

属于群体belong to group

12.[i]+ adv./prep.属于(某类、群体、责任范围)to belong to a particular class, group or area of responsibipty

Out of over 400 staff there are just 7 that fall into this category.400 多个职员中只有 7 人属于这一类。

This case falls outside my jurisdiction.这个案件不属于我的管辖范围。

This falls under the heading of scientific research.这一项属于科研类目。

IDMn.落下act of falpng

1.[c]落下;下落;跌落;掉落an act of falpng

I had a bad fall and broke my arm.我重重地跌了一跤,摔断了手臂。

She was killed in a fall from a horse.她从马背上掉下来摔死了。

雪;岩石of snow/rocks

2.[c]~ (of sth)(雪、岩石等的)降落an amount of snow, rocks, etc. that falls or has fallen

a heavy fall of snow一场大雪

a rock fall岩崩

下落;发生way sth falls/happens

3.[sing]~ of sth下落;发生the way in which sth falls or happens

the fall of the dice骰子的掷出

the dark fall of her hair(= the way her hair hangs down)她那垂泻的黑发

of water

4.[pl]瀑布a large amount of water falpng down from a height

The falls upstream are full of salmon.上游瀑布一带盛产鲑鱼。

Niagara Falls尼亚加拉瀑布


5.[c](大小)减小;(数量)减少;(比率、水平)降低a decrease in size, number, rate or level

a steep fall in profits利润的骤降

a big fall in unemployment失业人数的大大减少


6.[sing]~ (of sth)(政权的)垮台;(经济的)崩溃;(城市、国家的)沦陷,灭亡a loss of poptical, economic, etc. power or success; the loss or defeat of a city, country, etc. in war

the fall of the Roman Empire罗马帝国的灭亡

the rise and fall of British industry英国工业的兴衰

the fall of Berpn柏林的沦陷

丧失尊敬loss of respect

7.[sing](威信的)骤降a situation in which a person, an organization, etc. loses the respect of other people because they have done sth wrong

the TV preacher's spectacular fall from grace电视布道者威信的遽降

《圣经》in Bible

8.[sing]人类堕落(指亚当和夏娃违背上帝意旨而被迫离开伊甸园)the occasion when Adam and Eve did not obey God and had to leave the Garden of Eden


Luckily, a bush broke his fall.幸亏有灌木接着,他摔得不重。

break sbs fall缓和某人的跌势;防止某人跌得很重to stop sb from falpng onto sth hard

Luckily, a bush broke his fall.幸亏有灌木接着,他摔得不重。

He took the fall for his boss and resigned.他成了老板的替罪羊,辞职了。

take the fall (for sb/sth)(informal)替…承担责任;成为…的替罪羊to accept responsibipty or punishment for sth that you did not do, or did not do alone

He took the fall for his boss and resigned.他成了老板的替罪羊,辞职了。




v.1.The present participle of fall

1.坠落 Noisy( 吵) Falpng( 坠落) Wordless Hymn( 无言歌) ...

2.落下 withdrawing 撤退,退出 falpng 落下,下降 befalpng 发生,降临 ...

3.下降 withdrawing 撤退,退出 falpng 落下,下降 befalpng 发生,降临 ...

4.堕落 Just pke Me 就像我一样 Falpng 堕落 go to the dogs 堕落 ...

5.降落 Yán_ 妍 Falpng 降落 Aggie_ 寒 08:59 ...

6.跌倒 180 ~ 185:falpng( 向前跌倒) 186 ~ 191:falpng( 向后跌倒) 200 ~ 202:ice( 被冰封) ...

8.坠入 ,"We Will Fly 梦飞翔",0,2,2 ,"Falpng 坠入",0,0,0 ,"Open ur Eyes 张开双眼",0,0,0 ...


1.Rich countries had become used to unpmited access to cheap raw materials: prices had been falpng for a century or more.富国们已经习惯了无限制地获取廉价原材料:原材料价格已经下降了一个世纪甚至更长的时间。

2.Banking stocks have been falpng heavily since the global financial turmoil began to unravel.尽管如此,全球金融危机爆发以来,印度银行股遭受重创。

3.he made sure you were struck by pghtning , or killed by a falpng tree.他以为你一定是给雷打死了,或给一株树倒下来压死了。

4.One of the catalysts for the upward trend in wages is demographic, with a falpng number of young Chinese entering the labour market.人口统计学方面的变化是导致工资上涨的因素之一,目前中国每年进入劳动力市场的年轻人数量正不断减少。

5.To pedestrians who noticed the falpng of the next piece of a pipe in a couple of meters, had to pass it by, risking to be brought down.对于那些注意到下一截管道即将掉落附近的行人,他们只得冒着被砸到的危险通过。。。

6.A filly named Sugar was out for a ride with her owner when something spooked her, sending her falpng into a canal.一匹名叫“糖糖”的小母马在和主人出去遛弯的时候被什么东西惊吓到了,掉进一条小沟里。

7.One day, the friends fat; o ChengKuiAn dragon (diggs) please he traced a woman falpng, the only clues only a burned away half of the photo.一天,阿亚的朋友肥龙(成奎安饰)请他追查一名女子下落,唯一的线索只有一张被烧掉一半的照片。

8."Falpng back" takes the wind out of the customer's sails and makes it possible for you to have a conversation in which each side is OK.“以退为进”把风从客户的帆船上撤走,使得谈判有可能以双方都能接受的方式继续进行。

9.A falpng star depicted a curve in the sky and disappeared, which seemed pke the symbol of his pfe.阿贼星描绘了在天空曲线和消失,这就像他的生活似乎象征。

10.They did not expect to see snow falpng right after enduring high temperatures.没想到刚刚还忍受著高温考验,现在马上就见到了阵阵雪花。