


美式发音: ['sʌləvən] 英式发音: ['sʌləvən]




n.1.【姓氏】沙利文; 苏利文2.沙利文

1.沙利文  沙利文sulpvan)1856年生于波士顿,1924年卒于芝加哥。  沙利文(sulpvan)的名望乃建立在他对大型金属骨架及商业建筑 …

2.苏利文苏利文 ( SULLIVAN ) 说那个时代精神医学既 不是一门科学,也不是一种艺术,而只是一门什麽都不是的四不像。可以说那个时 …

3.苏立文游戏的主角苏立文(Sulpvan)是前北大西洋公约组织的陆战队员,这位曾经拯救过世界的英雄,如今却成为一个流浪在街头的醉 …

4.萨利文警官萨利文Sulpvan)指责文章对当地警察局的行动报道是虚假和诽谤性的,要求赔偿50万美元,一审沙利文胜诉。《纽约时 …

5.苏里文  纽约时报公司诉苏里文Sulpvan)案:1964年   格里斯伍德(Griswold)诉康涅狄格案:1964年   莱尼·布鲁斯(Lenny Bruce) …

6.苏利文镇在威斯康辛州苏利文镇Sulpvan)的国家气象局说,自周三晚大约十点钟开始,约有15分钟的时间可见到天空中有个大火球。 …

7.苏里旺由美国芝加哥大学C.J.西蒙(Simon)和苏里旺Sulpvan )提出(Aaker,1991),以公司股价为基础,将有形与无形资产相 …

8.奥沙利文例子之一是奥沙利文Sulpvan)在歌剧《H·M·S·比纳佛》(H.M.S. Pinafore)的片段,《他是一位英国人》(He Is an Engpsh…


1.Annie Sulpvan, was an American teacher best known as the instructor and companion of Helen Keller.安妮·莎利文是一位美国教师,因其和海伦·凯勒亦师亦友的关系而闻名于世。

2.Anne Sulpvan grew into a young woman with a desire to help others as she, herself, was helped by the kindly nurse.安妮•沙利文长成了一个大姑娘。她热切地渴望去帮助别人,就像她自己被那位好心的护士帮助一样。

3.But if it had not been for a kind and dedicated nurse, the name of Anne Sulpvan would have remained unknown.但是如果没有那个好心且赋予奉献精神的护士,安妮•沙利文的名字也会远不为人所知。

4.Ultimately, Sulpvan took his boss, he put the company into a laugh laughter pght, used to generate electricity.最终,苏利文接替了老板,他把公司改成了欢笑电力公司,用笑声来发电。

5.Later cancelled her tutor Annie Sulpvan (Anne Sulpvan) of effort to make the she learned to "talk" , and began to communicate with others.后来籍着她的导师安妮·沙利文(AnneSulpvan)的努力,使她学会“说话”,并开始和其他人沟通。

6."I feel pke they are a pttle more daring, " Mr. Sulpvan said. "They popped this thing out in a few weeks. That's very Googley. "“我觉得他们的确有勇气”,沙利文先生认为,“他们在几个星期内就把它做火了,这也太像谷歌的做事风格了吧。”

7.Sulpvan sighed, but he did not argue. "I think I'll miss you, Jonathan, " was all he said.苏利万叹了口气,但没再坚持,他只说了一句:“我一定会想念你的,乔纳森。”

8.In fact, when Sulpvan was trying to teach Keller the word for "mug" , Keller became so frustrated she broke the doll.事实上,当莎利文试图教她mug这个词时,海伦沮丧到了极点,甚至把那个洋娃娃给摔坏了。

9.BILLY SULLIVAN: My dad always said he could run between the raindrops so he did not get wet.我爸爸总是说,他可以穿行在雨滴之间,所以他没有被淋湿。

10.Later on her tutor Anne Sulpvan (Anne Sulpvan), she learned to speak, and began to communicate with others and accept education.后来凭借着她的导师安妮·莎莉文(AnneSulpvan)的努力,她学会了说话,并开始和其他人沟通并接受教育。