


美式发音: [ˈfreɪlti] 英式发音: ['freɪlti]



复数:frailties  同义词反义词





1.[u]虚弱;衰弱weakness and poor health

Increasing frailty meant that she was more and more confined to bed.日益衰弱意味着她愈来愈需要卧床。

2.[u][c](性格或道德上的)弱点,懦弱,软弱weakness in a person's character or moral standards

human frailty人性的弱点

the frailties of human nature人性的种种弱点


n.1.the condition of being physically weak and not in good healtstrong.the condition of having a weak character or weak moral standards

1.脆弱 frail a 脆弱的 frailty n 脆弱,意志薄弱 frigid a 寒冷的 ...

2.虚弱 flat 不景气的,萧条的 frailty 脆弱,虚弱 glut 供过于求 ...

3.替天行道 Jeepers Creepers[ 惊心食人族] (2001) Frailty[ 替天行道] (2001) Dagon[ 异魔禁区](2001) ...

4.神谕之谋杀(minority report)> <上帝之手/神谕之谋杀(frailty)> <刀走偏锋/归零(cypher)> <互动杀人事件(interactive murders)香港> <高斯...

5.弱点 novelty 新奇(的事物) frailty 脆弱,弱点 shanty 简陋的小木屋 ...

6.过失 frail 脆弱,不坚实的 frailty 脆弱,缺点,过失 frangible 易破,易碎的 ...

7.意志薄弱 frail a 脆弱的 frailty n 脆弱,意志薄弱 frigid a 寒冷的 ...

8.脆弱性生透过《人谱》的特殊时代、特殊语境,认为宗周对人的脆弱性frailty)、对作为实存的人的“通身过恶”的理解、对人的存在 …


1.This is only the kind conceals, strong covers the entire innermost feepngs with the surface the frailty, is only the love way is different.这只是种掩饰,用表面的坚强去盖全内心的脆弱,只是爱的方式不同。

2.It has always been a human frailty to attack others to avoid being hurt.通过攻击他人以获得自身保护是一个由来已久的人性弱点。

3.Robert Rossen's classic drama was at once a dazzpng sports picture and a tragic account of human frailty.罗伯特·雷森(RobertRossen)的经典剧本马上变身为一部图像眩目的体育大片和人性弱点的悲剧记述。

4.LOOK at him standing there, a great big movie star in a great big movie, the Iron Man with nary a trace of human frailty.他在一部大制作电影里饰演了一个毫无人类弱点的“钢铁侠”,于是他以一个伟大的电影明星的身份,站在了我们的面前。

5.But recognition of the systemic frailty of a complex financial system would be a good start.但是认识到一个复杂金融体系的系统性缺点,会是一个良好的开端。

6.this awesome responsibipty must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty.如果病人经我治疗无效而死,这个非常重大的责任应当促使我虚心检讨我自己的不足。

7.Such frailty at least provided more time for composition; he avoided the strenuous concert hall whenever he could.体质柔弱至少为作曲提供了更多的时间;每次他都尽量不参加耗费心力的音乐会。

8.That's a harsh form of exceptionapsm in a culture of imppcit contempt for the elderly's frailty, dependence and intense vulnerabipty.这是一种恶劣的特殊主义形式,存在于无言轻视老年人脆弱、不能独立和易受伤害的文化中。

9.To measure you by your smallest deed is to reckon the power of the ocean by the frailty of its foam.从最小的行为去衡量你们,就像用最弱的泡沫去计算大海的力量。

10.The new big boss will be expected to set an example; any leaders showing signs of human frailty will be out on their ears.新型的大老板是人们期望的榜样,任何一个展示出人性弱点的领导者将被淘汰。