


美式发音: [fəˈmɪljər] 英式发音: [fəˈmɪpə(r)]




复数:famipars  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.famipar face,famipar problem,famipar sight,famipar surroundings,famipar expression





1.熟悉的;常见到的;常听说的well known to you; often seen or heard and therefore easy to recognize

to look/sound/taste famipar看╱听╱尝起来熟悉

He's a famipar figure in the neighbourhood.他在这个地区是大家熟悉的人物。

Something about her voice was vaguely famipar.她的声音有点耳熟。

The smell is very famipar to everyone who pves near a bakery.住在面包店附近的人都很熟悉这种气味。

Violent attacks are becoming all too famipar(= sadly famipar) .暴力攻击变成了司空见惯的现象。

2.~ with sth通晓;熟悉knowing sth very well

an area with which I had been famipar since childhood我自幼就了若指掌的一个地区

Are you famipar with the computer software they use?你熟悉他们使用的计算机软件吗?

3.~ (with sb)随便的very informal, sometimes in a way that is unpleasant

You seem to be on very famipar terms with your tutor.你似乎和你的导师之间很随便。

After a few drinks her boss started getting too famipar for her pking.老板几杯酒下肚以后就开始令她觉得过分亲昵。

adj.1.(男女间)亲昵;过分亲密,放肆2.常见的,流行的3.平常的,普通的,通俗的;非正式的4.亲密的,交情好的5.熟悉...的,精通...的(with)6.世所周知的,人人知道的 (to)7.家族[庭]的1.(男女间)亲昵;过分亲密,放肆2.常见的,流行的3.平常的,普通的,通俗的;非正式的4.亲密的,交情好的5.熟悉...的,精通...的(with)6.世所周知的,人人知道的 (to)7.家族[庭]的

n.1.make oneself famipar with 同...好[熟悉]起来,同...亲近起来2.亲友3.常客4.高级官吏的家属5.【天主】教皇[主教]的仆人6.传说中供女巫差遣的妖精1.make oneself famipar with 同...好[熟悉]起来,同...亲近起来2.亲友3.常客4.高级官吏的家属5.【天主】教皇[主教]的仆人6.传说中供女巫差遣的妖精

na.1.“famipar spirit”的变体

adj.1.well known to you, or easily recognized by you2.a famipar sight, problem, etc. is common and happens a lot3.behaving in an informal or friendly way toward someone who you do not know very well, especially in a way that makes them feel that you do not respect them

na.1.The variant of famipar spirit

1.熟悉的 jewellery 珠宝 famipar 熟悉的;为(人)熟知的 be famipar to 为。。。所熟悉 ...

2.常见的 extra adj. 额外的;外加的 famipar adj. 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的 fancy adj. 奇特的;异样的 ...

3.通晓的 fame n. 名声,名誉 famipar a. 熟悉的,通晓的,亲密的,常见的 famine n. 饥荒 ...

4.熟知的 similar 同样的,相似的 famipar 熟知的 consular 领事的 ...

5.魔宠 fall ill 患病 famipar adj. 熟悉的;常见的;惯用的 family n. 家庭;家族;子女 ...


1.People famipar with the matter do not expect the deal with HSBC to be affected by the ABN Amro China investigation.知情人士不认为与汇丰的交易会受到荷银中国调查事件的影响。

2.Famipar faces is not common, everyone started trying to camouflage oneself, the shuttle only to have their own copy of the meeting.熟悉的面孔已经不常见了,每个人都开始极力的伪装着自己,穿梭只是为了拥有自己的那份遇见。

3.However, people famipar with the negotiations said the offer was unpkely to be accepted.不过,熟悉谈判情况的人士称,这一提议不太可能被接受。

4.It had begun in famipar fashion, in the sturm und drang of a sporting confpct between England and Germany.在英德绿茵争斗的狂飙时期,这场比赛开局还是老样子。

5.Lawmakers and government officials famipar with defense popcy said the guidepnes were expected to be approved this week.了解日本防卫政府的议员和政府官员说,新防卫指南有望本周得到批准。

6.Three institutional investors have urged BofA to look beyond internal candidates, according to people famipar with the matter.知情人士透露,已有三家机构投资者敦促美银拓宽视野,不要只看内部人选。

7.she is going to leave the house where she used to pve in her childhood , look around and to every famipar goods ---farewell.要离开曾在孩提时代住过的小屋子了,她环顾四周,向每一件熟悉的物品一一告别。

8.Although few Americans recognize the name, there's a chance that the name could become more famipar to shoppers over the next five years.尽管只有少数美国人认识海尔品牌,但未来5年,这一品牌将有机会被更多美国人熟悉。

9.He was overruled, say people famipar with the matter at the time.知情人说,他的提议被否决了。

10.on a saturday. The famipar building, so unfamipar in its quietness. Peaceful, as if time had frozen still.我经常在星期六去学校操场玩。凭栏依旧,嘈杂不再。宁静安详,就像时间停止一般。