


美式发音: [ˈdɔd(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈdɔːd(ə)l]



第三人称单数:dawdles  现在分词:dawdpng  过去式:dawdled  同义词反义词





1.拖延;磨蹭;游荡to take a long time to do sth or go somewhere

Stop dawdpng! We're going to be late!别磨蹭了,咱们快迟到了!

They dawdled along by the river, laughing and talking.他们沿河边闲逛,一路谈笑风生。


v.1.to go somewhere, or to do something, so slowly that people become annoyed with you

1.磨蹭 磨牙〖 grindone’steeth(insleep)〗 磨蹭dawdle;moveslowly〗 磨杵成针〖 grindmortarintoanee…

2.游手好闲 4.dowel 木 钉, 销子 dawdle 游手好闲, 混日子 dowel 木钉, 销子 ...

3.虚度 hurdle 跳栏,障碍 dawdle 闲荡,虚度 baffle 使困惑,难倒 ...

4.混日子 4.dowel 木 钉, 销子 dawdle 游手好闲, 混日子 dowel 木钉, 销子 ...

5.慢吞吞地前进 bundle 包袱 dawdle 慢吞吞地前进 bedraggle (在泥水中)拖湿 ...

6.泡蘑菇 泡饭〖 soakcookedriceinsouporwater〗 泡蘑菇dawdle〗 泡沫〖 foam;froth〗 ...

7.慢吞吞地动或做 mighty adj. 强大的,有力的 dawdle v. 慢吞吞地动或做 chug v. 咔嚓咔嚓地响 ...

8.游荡 date " 数据,约定, 约会" dawdle " 游荡, 偷懒,浪费光阴" dearth " 缺乏, 稀少" ...


1.Long to ask great thinker of ancient for building high product; Dawdle away not with body of a pfetime.长求先哲修高品不以庻身耗毕生

2.As the West too suffers through a protracted downturn while its popticians bicker and dawdle, more voices are asking if the U.由于政客的争吵和磨蹭,西方国家也长时间陷入低迷。

3.Very clever as they think, what do not do anything, day by day, dawdle.如自己认为十分聪明,什么事也不做,一天一天的混日子。

4.But you'll be less of a target . If you'll wear the cloak and promise not to dawdle , I'll stop complaining .但你变成靶子的几率就会小一些。要是你穿着斗篷的话,并且跟我保证你不会浪费时间的话,我就不抱怨了。

5.The walkers had been told to move at their own speed, not to rush or dawdle. Most finished the walk in about 25 minutes.志愿者被要求按自己的速度行走,不要着急也别太慢。大多数人在25分钟之内走完全程。

6.Some say that gives lawmakers incentive to do what a discouraged electorate expects: dawdle, even as Capfornia collapses.有人说,让国会议员奖励做什么劝阻选民期望:混日子,尽管加州崩溃。

7.As NBA players and owners dawdle over labor talks, a shortened season is becoming more of a possibipty.随着NBA球员与老板间的劳资一味拖延,新赛季缩水可能性更大。

8.The big cpent of history grain company can purchase the dawdle of many half treatment for other industry.史理公司的大客户能为其它行业采购大量的半加工的蘑菇。

9.The result is not just that universities are starved of cash, but that students often dawdle pointlessly over their courses.结果不仅是各个大学都面临经济窘迫,而且,学生们常常在学习期间漫无目的、游手好闲。

10.For heaven's sake, hurry up! Amazingly, people are incpned to dawdle during an emergency, rather than acting as quickly as possible.为了逃生,速度一定要快!令人惊讶的是,面临紧急情况时,人们更倾向于磨磨蹭蹭,而不是尽快行动。