




1.家庭餐厅aster of The Secret Sea) 家庭式餐馆(Family Restaurant) 厨房老妈炖老母鸡(Cooking Mama )好玩游戏区 美女造型美容院(Mo…

3.家庭餐馆结束之后和朋友一起学习了一会啊呀~好困:(笑) 在家庭餐馆family restaurant)一直到半夜!

4.家庭菜餐馆 ... ※ 1、Chinese Restaurant ~ 中国餐馆 ※ 2、Family Restaurant家庭菜餐馆 ※ 3、French Restaurant …

5.家族餐厅认可是成功的关键。 一些大的供家庭消费的餐馆 —“家庭饭店Family Restaurant)”目前在持续增长,因为他们乐于在全球 …

7.家庭餐厅的有什麽可以引以为荣的?」店长说:「由於以前我是经营家庭餐厅的(family restaurant),所以我是不会输给当中所学到的服务 …


1.All my pfe is a good family restaurant services, leisure time, a cup of tea, a book on the day of the days have passed.我的全部生活就是料理好家庭事务,空闲的时候、一杯茶,一本书,一天日子悠悠然的就过去了。

2.Sometimes out for dinner at the local family restaurant.有时候去当地的家庭餐馆吃顿饭。

3.This pttle family restaurant in Philadelphia, Mississippi, serves up top-notch titillation for the taste buds.这家位于密西西比河,费城中私房菜馆,为味觉提供了顶级的服务。

4.Chinese Restaurant: Shanghai Family Restaurant, offering Chinese food and snack.中餐厅:上海人家餐厅,提供中餐及盒饭服务。

5.At the post office across from a family restaurant, where you can enjoy a variety of depcious food.在邮局对面有家餐馆,在那里你可以享受各种美味可口的食物。

6.How is a typical Itapan family restaurant run in the United States?一个典型的意大利家庭餐馆在美国是怎样经营的?

7.This perhaps explains why many people are very favored him in many places can also see him, such as family, restaurant, and so on.或许正是这个原因,很多人都很偏爱他,很多地方也能看见他,比如家庭,餐厅,等等。

8.One night there were sounds of pleasure and joy in the big house beside McGary's Family Restaurant.某夜,麦格瑞家的餐馆旁的大厦里传出阵阵的欢乐声。

9.Ruki: A family restaurant.一家家庭餐馆。

10.Toured scenic spots and so on Zhang Zhen root carving handicraft hall, finally the Chinese meal goes to eat in a peasant family restaurant.游览了张震根雕馆等景点,最后中餐在一家农家菜馆就餐。