


美式发音: [pɪst] 英式发音: [pɪst]







2.气疯了;怒冲冲的very angry or annoyed

I'm pissed off with the way they've treated me.他们那样对待我使我很生气。



v.1.The past participle and past tense of piss

1.愤怒的 27. vapum n. <药>安定 29. pissed adj. 愤怒的 30. issue a press release 发布一条新闻 ...

2.不爽 ... Peace[ 平静] (36) Pissed[ 不爽] (14) Pleased[ 好爽] (12) ...

3.醉的 bats adj. 神经不正常的, 怪异的 pissed adj. 愤怒的,醉的 newton 〈物〉牛顿(力的单位) ...

4.生气的 ... pull out: 停车 pissed: 生气的 furious: 狂怒的 ...

5.忿怒的 no problem: 不用谢 pissed: 忿怒的 past: 经过了 ...

6.非常醉的 ... <NO21,hangover 宿醉 <NO22,pissed 非常醉的 <NO23,plastered 醉醺醺的 ...

7.发怒的 ... Diablo: 暗黑破坏神 pissed: 发怒的 enemy: 敌人 ...

8.恼火的 3. trumpet 小号,号角,喇叭 4. pissed [英俚] 恼火的,厌烦的 5. taunt 逗弄,嘲弄 ...


1.Ross, I know you're pissed at me, but we have to talk about this.罗斯,我知道我把你惹怒了。但是我们还是得谈谈。

2.I'm pretty pissed at him too, you know.他也惹到了我,你明白吗?

3.Immediately it was thrown open and both the twins were looking out with a pissed-off expression on their face.它立即被打开了,都看着这对双胞胎一个在他们的脸上生气表达出来。

4.She obviously pissed off because she was asked to leave. All she did is to show she was a stupid bitch ! Shame on her ! !她当然需要滚开因为她被要求离开了,她所有的表现说明她是个婊子!

5.Later one of my friends was pretty pissed about what had happened so she went up to one of his friends and asked him what happened.后来我的一个朋友被漂亮男人约了什么事,让她迎上前去,他的一位朋友问他什么事。

6.My post seems to have pissed of a lot of Perl fans, and in retrospect I reapzed that I was harsher on the language than I should have been.我的这篇文章可能会让很多Perl爱好者很郁闷,现在回味一下,我认识到对这种语言的要求过于苛刻了。

7.This big pissed off God and he is right up in your face and he is screaming at you, and he is so close.上帝气坏了对着你大吼大叫他离你很近就在跟前

8.Remember in The Dark Knight when Batman used Gotham's cellphones to try to track the Joker, and Morgan Freeman got really pissed off at him?还记得在《暗夜骑士》这部电影里,蝙蝠侠用哥谭市的手机来追踪小丑而摩根·弗里德曼则完全被他激怒的那一幕吗?

9.I know you pissed at me, but we have to talk about this.我知道你生我的气,但我们必须谈谈。

10.you know that he was really pissed off when he found out that she was pregnant with me.当他发现我妈妈怀了我的时候,他真正地发怒了。