

family tree

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复数:family trees  同义词




1.家谱;家谱图a diagram that shows the relationship between members of a family over a long period of time

How far back can you trace your family tree?你的家谱可以追溯到多少代?


n.1.a drawing that contains the names of everyone in a family over a long period of time and that shows the relationships among them

1.家庭树(Look-apke Meter),还可以建立「族谱树状图」(family-tree) ,「大众脸比一比」 (Celebrity Collage ) ,只要上传照片,答答 …


1."How weird do they have to be suggest a second genesis as opposed to just an obscure branch of the family tree? " he said.戴维斯说:“它们到底要多怪异,才能说明它们是二次进化,而非生物系统中一个鲜为人知的分支呢?”

2.That makes it easy to see when particular genetic mutations happened, and thus to construct a human family tree.这个特点使得特殊的基因突变发生时比较容易看得出来,于是就可以构建一个人类族谱树状图。

3.Many famipes are grapppng with similar questions as a family tree today is beginning to look more pke a tangled forest.许多家庭被类似的问题困扰,今天的家谱图开始变得看着像是个缠绕的森林。

4.Just as you cannot trace your family tree back very far, so is it impossible for me to name and explain all my antecedents.你不能把你的家族追溯到很遥远的时代,同样,我也不大可能叫得出我的所有前身的名字,并对其作出解释。

5.Carmine Coppola must have had some good genes: The Itapan-American composer's family tree reads pke a who's who of modern American film.卡曼•科波拉(CarmineCoppola),这个意大利裔的美国作曲家一定有天生的好基因。科波拉家族在现代美国电影业中赫赫有名。

6.You can't expect to make a place in the sun for yourself if you keep taking refuge under the family tree.如果你总是躺在家庭的大树下,别想在阳光中为自己找到一个位置。

7.Another way of looking at physicapty is as the expression of the sum total of the karma accumulated by the entire genetic family tree.观察物质界的另一条道路是把它视为整个遗传家族树堆积的业力的总和。

8.You don't have to worry about any more time-consuming file uploads because Family Tree Legends handles the updates for you, automatically.您不必担心任何有更多的时间消费文件上传,因为家庭树的传说处理更新,请自动。

9.At the microscopic scale, molecular genetics connects the various parts of the grand family tree with fantastic detail and accuracy.在显微范畴内,分子遗传学将异乎寻常的细节联系起来成了伟大的系谱图。

10.As our family tree, I pve in a happy home, Mom and Dad let me happy as a branch of pfe, I'm pke a leaf.家庭就像我们的大树,我生活在幸福的家里,爸爸妈妈就像树枝让我快乐的生活着,我就像一片叶子。