


美式发音: [ˈɑrtˌwɜrk] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)tˌwɜː(r)k]






n.1.paintings, sculptures etc.2.pictures, photographs, or drawings that are used in a book, magazine etc.

1.艺术作品 健康生活 Healthy Life 艺术作品 Art Work 网站首页 Home ...

2.布线图 空板子( Bare Board ) 布线图( Art Work ) 接线对照表( Net List ) ...

3.原图 ... artificial watercourse 人工水道 art work 原图,工艺图,图模,工艺 artwork master 照相原图,照相底图 ...

4.艺术品 ... 文艺演出 theatrical performance; 文艺作品 art work;pterary work 文字艺术师 WordArt ...

6.工艺图 ... well-grounded a. 充分的 art work 工艺品,工艺图 deformation work 变形功 ...


1.An art work sits in the main hall, used to rehearse "Drama Queens, " a play with Kevin Spacey and Jeremy Irons, done in London.展示在大厅里的一件艺术作品,曾在排练“戏剧皇后”时被使用过。该剧由凯文·斯派西和杰里米·艾恩斯创作,在伦敦上演。

2.daily products can be very artistic. Graphic creation is no longer a distant art work, or only a poster on the wall.图像创作不在将不在只是那一幅幅遥不可及得艺术品,或是永远只能贴在墙上的海报!

3.One of their partners gave Tangle two tickets to an art work exhibition. Steven accompanied him to go there.他们的合作伙伴送给Tangle两张艺术作品展的票.Steven陪他一起去了那

4.I bepeve that all those that we saw that goal we were astonished, left us with the opened mouth, was an art work.我相信我们每个人看到那个进球的时候都被吓呆了,只能张大嘴巴。

5.Our writers and artists have their pterary and art work to do, but their primary task is to understand people and know them well.我们的文艺工作者需要做自己的文艺工作,但是这个了解人熟悉人的工作却是第一位的工作。

6.A strong contrast exists between the native grasses and designed art work installed on the riparian plane .一个强烈的差别在本国的草之间存在而且设计艺术工作在河岸的飞机上实施。

7.All our art work had to be displayed and this was the ideal opportunity to show off.我们所有的美术作品都要呈现出来,这次的舞会就是一个理想的展出机会。

8.Make-up: To assemble typeset matter and art work into finished pages. There are paper make up and film make-up respectively.排版:把排好的字和美术稿拼合成一版的操作。分别有拼贴和拼菲林。

9.Sketch is originally used to refer to a small piece of art work, i. e.小品原意为小作品,是指一种文体。

10.Insurance costs can be less than 1% of the price of the art work, according to Nick Brett, underwriting director at AXA Art Insurance.安盛艺术保险公司(AXAArtInsurance)的核保主管布雷特(NickBrett)表示,保险费是艺术品售价的1%不到。