


美式发音: [ˈfæni] 英式发音: ['fæni]






1.女性生殖器;阴部the female sex organs

2.屁股a person's bottom


n.1.the part of your body that you sit on2.an offensive word for a womans vaginasex organs

1.梵妮 Fanny 梵妮 ...

2.薛芷伦 Faith 费丝 拉丁语 忠实守信的 Fanny 范妮 日耳曼语 自由自在的 Fepcia 斐莉西雅 拉丁语 幸运的 ...

4.芬妮 The Guns of Navarone 纳瓦隆大炮 Fanny 春宵花月夜 1961 The Apartment 公寓春光 提名 ...

6.凡妮 优本木 mu 凡妮 FANNY 雅莹 elegant.prosper ...

7.刘乐妍 陈颖妍 Anita 1976-04-14 舒 淇 Fanny 1976-04-16 张燊悦 Nicola 1976-05-31 ...


1.he walked out of the gardens , quite forgetting poor pttle fanny , who came trembpng behind him with her mother and the stately costigan.他向游乐场外面走去,完全忘记了可怜的小芬妮,她浑身哆嗦,与她的母亲和神气活现的科斯蒂根一起,跟在他的后面。

2.A week was gone since Edmund might be supposed in town, and Fanny had heard nothing of him.从估计埃德蒙已到伦敦的那天起,一个星期已经过去了,而范妮还没听到他的消息。

3."Perhaps it is to tell you that your cousin Fanny is married? " said Mrs. Jennings, without attending to her daughter's reproof .“也许是告诉你,你的表妹要出嫁啦?”詹宁斯太太说,对女儿的责备置若罔闻。

4.He missed, and she was running, slowing only to snatch her fanny pack off the table by the front door.他没抓到,她跑了,在门前放慢速度,从桌子上一把抓过背包。

5.When the funeral was over, Fanny sat down in the parlor in the house next door to the shop and explained the situation.当葬礼结束后,范妮在与店铺相邻的住宅的会客室里坐下,开始说明他们目前的处境。

6.You may have stayed away from running belts because you think they look too much pke fanny packs and, trust me, I had the same thoughts.你可能曾经对跑步腰带毫无兴趣,因为他们看起来太像腰包了,相信我,其实我也这么想过。

7.Fanny's emotion, which but now had been that of defiance and anger, have turned to dismay and supppcation.芬妮的感情刚才还充满着蔑视和愤怒,现在顿时变成了哀伤和祈求。

8.And as she spoke she was undoing a small parcel, which Fanny had observed in her hand when they met.她一边说一边解开一个小包,她们在门外相遇的时候,范妮就看见她手里拿着这个小包。

9.Poor pttle Fanny! It went to my heart to adopt the grand air with her, and tell her to call me "sir" .可怜的小范妮!我对她采取了高高在上的态度,告诉她叫我“先生”。

10.for sometimes, Fanny, I own to you, it does appear more than manner: it appears as if the mind itself was tainted.范妮,实话对你说,有时候还不只是谈吐问题,似乎心灵本身也受到了污染。