




1.芬达 DRIVE A( 抽击球A) FANTA芬达) GROUP( 团体) ...

2.芬达汽水 “喜”“ happiness” “Fanta”“ 雪碧” “Samsung”“ 三星”, ...

4.芬达·鱼眼睛 ... MrMutou 木头 fanta 芬达·鱼眼睛 ::http://www.12306网址被屏蔽/mormhweb/kyfw/ : : 选择票价查询,26号开通 ...

5.芬达橙汁 1903雪碧 Sprite $8 1904芬达橙汁 Fanta $8 1905忌廉 Cream Soda$8 ...

6.听装芬达 听装可乐 Cola 听装芬达 Fanta 雀巢果珍 Nastle Tang ...


1.When the international parent company reunited with its German branch after the war, it discontinued Fanta.战后,国际母公司和其德国子公司重新结合的时候,停止了生产这种芬达。

2.In addition to trademark Coke, the company sells Sprite, Fanta, VitaminWater, Dasani bottled water and Minute Maid orange juice.除了可口可乐商标以外,该公司还销售雪碧,芬达,VitaminWater,Dasani瓶装水和MinuteMaid橙汁。

3.Why is Fanta so much more popular abroad than in the United States?为什么老外比老美更喜欢芬达呢?

4.He sweetened the soft drink with saccharin and named it Fanta, after the German word for fantasy or imagination.加入糖精使这种软饮料变甜,他以德语中fantasy或imagination单词把这种饮料命名为芬达。

5.To better compete, the company revived the Fanta name in 1955 and marketed the new orange recipe across Europe.为了更好的竞争,可口可乐公司1955年重新使用了芬达的名字,在全欧洲销售这种新的橘汁饮料。

6.It sold well, especially once food became scarce and buyers began using Fanta as a soup base.这种产品当时非常畅销,尤其当食物稀缺的时候,消费者把这种芬达当做汤料使用。

7.Fanta is a tasty orange-flavored drink that was originally designed specifically for the Nazis.芬达是美味的桔子味饮料,最初是专门设计的纳粹。

8.It does say that I was too stupid to work the vending machine and got Fanta when I was after Diet Coke.我只是太笨了,我不会操作自动贩卖机,想买健怡可乐时却买了一瓶芬达。

9.Why Do Foreigners Like Fanta So Much?为何老外如此爱芬达?

10.A worldwide study found pesticide levels in orange and lemon drinks sold under the Fanta brand were at their highest.一项在全球范围内展开的研究发现,芬达系列的橙汁和柠檬饮料中杀虫剂含量最高。