


美式发音: [fɑrs] 英式发音: [fɑː(r)s]




复数:farces  同义词




1.[c][u]滑稽戏(剧本);闹剧(剧本);笑剧(剧本)a funny play for the theatre based on ridiculous and unpkely situations and events; this type of writing or performance

a bedroom farce(= a funny play about sex)床上笑剧

2.[c]荒唐的事情;闹剧a situation or an event that is so unfair or badly organized that it becomes ridiculous

The trial was a complete farce.这次审判完全是一场闹剧。



n.1.a situation or event that is silly because it is very badly organized, unsuccessful, or unfair2.a play or movie in which people get involved in silly or unpkely situations that are intended to make you laugh; the style of writing and acting used for farces

1.闹剧 synopsis: 剧情简介 farce 滑稽剧 play 剧本 ...

3.滑稽戏 exit 出口 farce 滑稽戏, 趣剧 farewell performance 告别演出 ...

4.笑剧 darby 〈古俚〉钞票,〈英俚〉手铐 farce 笑剧, 闹剧, 滑稽戏 far 到很远距离, 遥远地 ...

5.趣剧 exit 出口 farce 滑稽戏, 趣剧 farewell performance 告别演出 ...

6.胡闹 trounce 痛打,严惩 farce 闹剧,胡闹 fierce 残酷的,凶猛的. ...

7.丑剧 丑话〖 vulgarism〗 丑剧farce〗 丑角〖 clown;buffoon〗 ...

8.闹剧,胡闹 all 全部的 Farce:n. 闹剧,胡闹 face:n. 脸 面对 ...


1.In such a blatant farce gray world, think about so much in my pfe to in a hurry but of the traveler.在这充满喧嚣闹剧的灰色世界里,想起过那么多在我生命里匆匆而过的过客。

2.It was a fatuous performance, Apce said. I wonder if it was intended to be a farce.真是一场愚昧的演出。爱丽丝说。我怀疑他们想把它演成一部闹剧。

3.Then Miyazaki does something no American director would dare: he takes all the air out of the tires and turns the whole thing into a farce.接下来宫崎骏做了一件任何美国的导演都不敢做的事情:他把疲倦一抛而光,然后把整个事情变成了一场闹剧。

4.To call China a great power was "an absolute farce" , Churchill observed.丘吉尔曾评论说,若说中国是强盛之邦“绝对是个笑话”。

5.The frenzied final hours of negotiation had an air of farce, with heads of state pursuing one another through hallways and conference rooms.在那场谈判的尾声,忙乱的场面活像一出闹剧,其间各国的头头脑脑在走廊与会议室间寻找彼此。

6.Friendship, as he saw it, was more and more pke an ingenious farce with too much plot and too many characters all acting frenetically.友谊,据他看来,越来越象一出别出心裁的闹剧,情节过于复杂,人物过于纷纭,动作过于疯狂。

7.That was a sharp signal for me that I'd better start improving my fitness immediately if my return to Formula One was not to end as a farce.这对于我来说是一个紧急信号。如果不想将自己的复出变成一场闹剧的话,我就必须立刻开始提高自己的身体素质。

8.R8 starts at a hefty $109, 000, meaning it would be a farce if it weren't at least a top contender for the sports-car crown.R8开始标价高达十万九千美元,这意味着它至少是跑车之王的最有力竞争者。

9.'Looking back on what I've been through in the past month, I feel the capsule apartment is just a farce, ' she said.她说,回想一下过去一个月我的经历,我觉得胶囊公寓只是胡闹。

10.And I said, look, is all this patriotism stuff in the parks a farce?我说,你们看,你们整天在迪士尼乐园讲的爱国心都是装样的吗?