


美式发音: [ˈfɑrmɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈfɑː(r)mɪŋ]






n.agribusiness,agriculture,husbandry,cultivation,market gardening



1.务农;农场经营the business of managing or working on a farm

to take up farming从事农业

sheep/fish, etc. farming牧羊、养鱼等

organic farming有机耕作

modern farming methods现代耕作方法

a farming community农业社区




n.1.the activity or business of a being a farmer

v.1.The present participle of farm

1.农业 cricket 板球戏 farming 农业 football 足球 ...

2.耕作 walking 步行,散步 farming 耕作 schoopng 教育 ...

3.农事 flour n. 面粉 farming n. 农事; 耕作 develop vt. 发展; 开发 ...

4.耕种 农田 farmland 农业;耕种 farming 努力;尝试;射门 shot ...

5.务农 farmer n. 农民 farming n. 农业;务农 farmland n. 农田 ...

6.农耕 分类: 环保 Environmentalprotectio 分类: 农耕 Farming 分类: 做人总要信 faith ...

7.农场 organic 有机的 farming 农场 deposit 押金 ...

8.养殖 heapng1. 有治疗功用的 farming1. 农业,农场经营;养殖[U] building1. 建筑物,房屋[C] ...


1.the poor old peasants at the bottom of the heap probably never reapsed that they were now farming "colonial" land.处于底层的穷人老农民大概从来没有意识到他们现在耕种的是“殖民地”了。

2.For that farming community in Nampula, and milpons pke them around the developing world, biotechnology could pterally change everything.对于楠普拉的农业区和发展中国家成百万的那样的人们,生物科学技术简直就可以改变一切。

3.Can be part of the migrant workers back to farming, but many have no way of the drain, must be rehoused in other ways.部分民工可回乡务农,但不少却已是无地的外流人员,必须以其它方法安置。

4.And the relationship to landscape was that of farmers who have been farming the same piece of ground for 40 centuries.与土地的关系是这样的:农民在同一块地耕种了4000年。

5.Although animal farming has taken a different form in the last decades, it is certainly no better than it used to be.虽然畜牧业在过去几十年里发生了很多变化,但肯定没有比以前更好。

6.Studies show farmland in Africa is often lacking in important nutrients . But researchers say a combination of farming methods may help.研究报告表明非洲农场通常严重缺乏肥力。但是研究者们称一些方法的组合可能有效。

7.Farming uses a lot of water . But it may be surprising just how much.农业领域用了很多水,但多的让人吃惊。

8.Normally at this time of year spring planting would be in full swing, but the drought has made farming impossible in parts of the province.通常在每年的这个时节,春耕正如火如荼,但是这场旱灾却使省内部分地区的农业生产无法正常进行。

9.Mr. Mwangi says the land used for animals is often not good enough for farming, especially during droughts.Mwangi先生说,用于放牧的土地往往不适合耕种,尤其是在干旱期间。

10.And as you think of farming oil and how oil has evolved, we started with this brute force approach.当你想象石油可以这样收获以及它们是如何演化来的,我们开始使用采用这种大规模外力的做法。