


美式发音: [ˈfɑrmˌjɑrd] 英式发音: [ˈfɑː(r)mˌjɑː(r)d]



复数:farmyards  同义词

n.yard,barnyard,cattle yard



1.农家庭院an area that is surrounded by farm buildings


n.1.an area beside a farmhouse, surrounded by buildings

1.农家 smelly adj. 发臭的;有臭味的 △ farmyard n. 农场;农家 pipe n. 管;导管 ...

2.农场 smelly adj. 发臭的;有臭味的 △ farmyard n. 农场;农家 pipe n. 管;导管 ...

3.农家庭院 farmhouse 农舍 farmyard 农家庭院 faroff 遥远的 ...

4.农家场院 smelly 发臭的, 有臭味的 farmyard 农家场院 pipe 管,导管,输送管 ...

5.农场空地 farmy 有地的 farmyard 农场空地 farness 远 ...

6.农家的庭院 exchequer 1. 国库 farmyard 农家的庭院 ala 1. 翅膀,翼 ...

7.温暖农家庭院 ) Halloween & Scary Faces -- 万圣节及可怕的面孔 ) Farmyard -- 温暖农家庭院 ) Creepy Crawpes & Flower -- 花卉,昆虫 ...


1.It seemed to be merely an ordinary farmyard, with one big red lantern hanging on each side of the door.从外面看不过是普通的农家院,门口高悬两盏红灯笼。

2.The farmyard must be cleared away entirely, and planted up to shut out the blacksmith's shop.场院必须彻底迁走,还要多种些树把铁匠铺子遮开。

3.No character gets away without a distracting thumbnail biography going back to his farmyard childhood in the Midwest, or wherever.如果没有分散读者注意力的作者简介----追溯他在美国中西部农场或者各处的童年生活,那么本书将保留所有的特色。

4.A cock, scratching in the farmyard for food for the hens, turned up a precious stone that shone and sparked in the sun.公鸡在农家的庭院里用爪子搔呀刨呀,为母鸡觅食。他从地里翻出了一粒宝石,那粒宝石在阳光下闪闪发光。

5.The wolf agreed with him, so the fox went to the farmyard and stole one of the two lambs.狼同意了,所以狐狸便到那农家庭院去偷了其中一只小羊回来。

6.It seems to me just the same in the vast human farmyard.我认为在广阔的人类这个农院里,情况亦然。

7.According to the definition the concept of the harden ground, the harden ground is classified as road, town block and farmyard.在界定硬化地面概念的基础上,进一步将硬化地面分为道路、城镇街区、农家场院三大类。

8.The results showed that the Farmyard system got more benefit than the Luhua Lake system did from the point of view of monetary profit.从货币收益的角度看,农家小院系统的费用使用效率、商品生产获利能力要优于芦花湖系统。

9.Now everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient.人们都知道要医治高烧,得用新鲜的鸡汤,于是农民拿着短斧,到牧场上去取鸡汤的主要原料。

10.In the year of applying farmyard manure, various trace elements needed in crops are in natural circulation state.在施农家肥年代,农作物所需多种微量元素处于自然循环状态。