




1.泰德演讲如果你想看泰德演讲TED Talk),你可以上Youtube输入TED Talk查询,你也可以加入 “TED Talk中文”字样,就会有中文字 …

2.数据可视化之美大卫.麦克德里斯:数据可视化之美(TED Talk) Books mouseflow网址被屏蔽 cpcktale网址被屏蔽 cpckheat 免费的网页点击热区统计工具 Mar…


1.What an honor it is for a poptician to give a TED talk, especially when the reputation of government has sunk so low.作为一个政治家可以来TED做演讲我感到很荣幸,尤其是现在政府的名声这么糟糕。

2."We're all cyborgs now, " the anthropologist Amber Case said in a TED talk in 2010.2010年,人类学家AmberCase在一个TED演讲中宣称“我们已经成为电子人了”。

3.As I mentioned in my TED talk, this is just the beginning.正如同我在TED演讲中提到的---这只是个开端。

4.In my TED talk, I'm talking to myself, too. I'm not just talking to other people.TED演讲不仅是我要对别人说的话,也是我要对自己说的话。

5.To finish this episode I wanted to share a TED talk of Nigel Marsh: How to make work-pfe balance work.完成这一段插曲我想分享一个泰德说奈杰尔沼泽:如何平衡工作与生活的工作。

6.Could you create the ultimate TED Talk?我们能不能创造出所谓的终极TED演讲?

7.In the TED talk embedded above, Tim Berners-Lee recalls how he invented the World Wide Web twenty years ago.在上面嵌入的TEDtalk视频中,伯纳斯·李(TimBerners-Lee)回顾了他在20年前发明万维网的经过。

8.In my first TED talk in 2006 I made Al Gore get up on stage.在2006年我的第一个TED讲座上,我让AlGore上台来。

9.The three indoor plants that Kamal mentioned in his TED talk includeKamalMeattle在他的演讲中提到了以下3种室内植物