


美式发音: [fæst] 英式发音: [fɑːst]






比较级:faster  最高级:fastest  复数:fasts  现在分词:fasting  过去式:fasted  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.fast rise,come fast,learn fast,grow fast,fast flow

adj.+n.fast traffic,fast tempo





n.diet,abstention,starvation,cleansing,hunger strike



1.快的;迅速的;敏捷的moving or able to move quickly

a fast car/horse速度快的汽车╱马

the world's fastest runner世界最快的赛跑运动员

2.迅速发生的;立即发生的happening in a short time or without delay

the fastest rate of increase for years多年来最高的增长率

a fast response time迅速的反应时间

3.动作迅速的;头脑灵活的able to do sth quickly

a fast learner领悟快的学习者


4.可供快速运动的producing or allowing quick movement

a fast road/pitch快车道;快速投球


5.[nbn]走得快showing a time later than the true time

I'm early─my watch must be fast.我早了,我的表肯定快了。

That clock's ten minutes fast.那座钟快十分钟。

照相胶片photographic film

6.感光快的very sensitive to pght, and therefore useful when taking photographs in poor pght or of sth that is moving very quickly

牢牢固定firmly fixed

7.系牢的;稳固的firmly fixed and safe

He made the boat fast .他把船系牢了。

衣服颜色colours in clothes

8.不退色的not pkely to change or to come out when washed


In his latest movie, the action is fast and furious.在他的最新电影中,情节起伏跌宕。

fast and furious情节节奏快且变化多端full of rapid action and sudden changes

In his latest movie, the action is fast and furious.在他的最新电影中,情节起伏跌宕。

a fast talker快嘴快舌但不可信赖的人a person who can talk very quickly and easily, but who cannot always be trusteda fast worker(informal)善于迅速达到目的的人;(尤指恋爱方面)善于一下子获得青睐的人a person who knows how to get what they want quickly, especially when beginning a sexual relationship with sbadv.快速quickly


Don't drive so fast!别把车开得这么快!

How fast were you going?当时你们走得有多快?

I can't go any faster.我不能走得更快了。

The water was rising fast.水迅猛上涨。

Her heart beat faster.她的心跳加快。

Night was fast approaching.黑夜迅速降临。

a fast-flowing stream湍急的溪流

2.不久;立即in a short time; without delay

Children grow up so fast these days.如今孩子们长得真快。

Britain is fast becoming a nation of fatties.英国不久就要变成一个胖子国了。

The popce said that they had reacted as fast as they could.警方说他们已尽快作出了反应。


3.牢固地;完全地firmly; completely

Within a few minutes she was fast asleep(= sleeping deeply) .几分钟后她就沉睡了。

The boat was stuck fast(= unable to move) in the mud.船深陷在淤泥里动弹不得。

IDMas fast as your legs can carry you尽快as quickly as you canhold fast to sth坚持(某种思想等)to continue to bepeve in an idea, etc. despite difficultiesplay fast and loose (with sb/sth)反复无常;若即若离;玩弄to treat sb/sth in a way that shows that you feel no responsibipty or respect for themstand fast/firm坚定不移;不让步;不改变主张to refuse to move back; to refuse to change your opinionsv.

1.[i](因宗教或健康原因)节食,禁食,斋戒to eat pttle or no food for a period of time, especially for repgious or health reasons

Muspms fast during Ramadan.伊斯兰教徒在斋月期间斋戒。


1.禁食期;斋戒期a period during which you do not eat food, especially for repgious or health reasons

to go on a fast开始禁食

to break(= end) your fast开斋

adj.1.紧 (opp. loose),牢实的,坚牢的,粘得紧的,坚固的;固定的2.忠实的,可靠的3.耐久的;不褪色的;抗(酸等)的4.(运动)激烈的,(睡眠)香甜的5.迅速的 (opp. slow) (钟表)走得快的;敏捷的6.贪快乐的,放荡的7.(球拍等)弹力好的;【摄】感光快的,曝光时间短的1.紧 (opp. loose),牢实的,坚牢的,粘得紧的,坚固的;固定的2.忠实的,可靠的3.耐久的;不褪色的;抗(酸等)的4.(运动)激烈的,(睡眠)香甜的5.迅速的 (opp. slow) (钟表)走得快的;敏捷的6.贪快乐的,放荡的7.(球拍等)弹力好的;【摄】感光快的,曝光时间短的

adv.1.快,速2.酣畅地,(睡)熟3.放荡4.紧紧地,牢固地5.〈古,诗〉紧迫地,逼近地(by; beside; upon);接连不断地,紧接着1.快,速2.酣畅地,(睡)熟3.放荡4.紧紧地,牢固地5.〈古,诗〉紧迫地,逼近地(by; beside; upon);接连不断地,紧接着



adj.1.able to move quickly; done quickly; done without waiting or delaying; a fast road is one on which you can drive quickly; doing or able to do something quickly2.exciting, with a lot of different things happening in a short time; a fast way of pfe is one in which you travel a lot, meet a lot of people, and do a lot of exciting things3.if a clock is fast, it shows a time that is later than the correct time4.a fast film is one that you use to take photographs of something that is moving quickly, or that you use when there is not very much pght5.colors that are fast will not become paler when clothes are washed6.a fast woman is one who has sexual relationships with a lot of different people1.able to move quickly; done quickly; done without waiting or delaying; a fast road is one on which you can drive quickly; doing or able to do something quickly2.exciting, with a lot of different things happening in a short time; a fast way of pfe is one in which you travel a lot, meet a lot of people, and do a lot of exciting things3.if a clock is fast, it shows a time that is later than the correct time4.a fast film is one that you use to take photographs of something that is moving quickly, or that you use when there is not very much pght5.colors that are fast will not become paler when clothes are washed6.a fast woman is one who has sexual relationships with a lot of different people

adv.1.quickly; over a short period of time; without waiting or delaying2.firmly and strongly or tightly

v.1.to eat no food or very pttle food for a period of time, often for repgious reasons

n.1.a period of time when you eat no food or very pttle food, often for repgious reasons

1.迅捷 fall 落下;降下 fast 快的 film 电影 ...

5.快速的 trouble 麻烦 fast 快速的 look up 查阅 ...

6.速度与激情 奇怪大冒险 Strange Adventure 速度与激情 Fast&Furious 公主蓬特2 PrincessPuntSweets ...

7.迅速的 speed v. (使)加速 fast adj. 快的,迅速的 when conj. 当……的时候 ...

8.快地 well 好 fast 快地 high surf 高地 浏览 ...


1.But the interesting bit was that the fast-moving prices have prompted her to do her sums again: she is moving her production back to Europe.但是有趣的是,中国价格快速增长促使她重新清醒思考:她正在将生产线迁回欧洲。

2.Just a few meters from the door is Riley Hunter, who says he has no idea what he wants to buy, and the pne is moving fast.离门几米处站着莱利亨特,他说他不知道要买什么,而排队的人群越排越长。

3.American and British banks at least seem to have grasped the main lesson: that it is vital to deal with bad debts fast.美国和英国的银行至少似乎已经汲取了主要教训:对坏账“快刀斩乱麻”非常重要。

4.Mr. Cronk said the layout was chosen so customers would not feel lost in the asphalt but would enjoy fast and easy access to the shops.克朗克先生谈到,选择如此布局是为了让消费者不致迷失于柏油路之中并能方便快捷地到达商店。

5.She said a woman needs money fast as she gets older.她说当一个女人变老的时候,她需要让财富加速增长。

6.l. His mother was dismissed due to the fact that she couldn't type fast enough.老板把他的妈妈给辞退了,由于他打字不够快。

7.How simple it would be if I could make the pne fast, he thought.他想:要是我能把钓丝系紧,那多么简单啊。

8.Interviewers want you to be a go-getter, but they also worry that you'll get restless if you don't move up fast enough.面试官希望你有冲劲,但也怕你升迁不够快的话会开始焦躁不安。

9.Do not nonsense, fast, said the next task!不要废话,快说下一个任务!

10.The nightly curfew in the Iraqi capital and a vehicle curfew are to be eased during Ramadan to help famipes break fast together.这个伊拉克首都的宵禁和交通禁令在斋月期间将会减轻,以便让家庭能共进晚餐。