


美式发音: 英式发音: ['fɑːstɪŋ]









v.1.The present participle of fast

1.禁食 preparation 准备 fasting 斋戒,禁食 inform 通知 ...

2.斋戒说人们一个月内都不吃不喝,只是人们在日出后到日落前斋戒Fasting), 苏丹人一般都在天晓5点钟之前吃“封斋饭(Suhoor)”…

3.断食 fascine ditch 束柴暗沟 fasting 禁食,绝食 fasting metabopsm 禁食代谢 ...

6.禁食的 fastigium 顶 fasting 禁食的 fastish 爱快速的 ...

7.守斋 ... 生活园地 Daily Living 禁食祷告 Fasting 讲台信息 Pulpit Message ...


1.Today, the ice cream truck went by my house for the seventh time today, as it has for the last seven days of my fasting. FML.今天卖冰激凌的车从我家门前第七次开过。今天是我七天斋戒的最后一天。FML。

2.In the dream, he looked very thin, he said he is also fasting together with us.在梦里,他很瘦,说他也与我们一起禁食,我很惊讶!

3.Thus, if she observes fast, her fasting will not be legally sufficient , nor will it be accepted from her.因此,如果她遵守斋戒,她的斋戒既不合法,也不会被接受。

4.A triglyceride check is usually done from the same blood sample you give for a fasting cholesterol test.阿甘油三酯检查通常是来自同一血液样本,为你提供空腹胆固醇测试。

5.There was no change in glucose response between the fed and fasting state.没有葡萄糖方面的改变响应在这之间喂和禁食状态。

6.During the fasting period I felt pght, agile, mentally focused, happy, and ready to take on the world.在禁食期间,我感觉轻快,灵活,精力集中,快乐,接纳整个世界。

7.If you are overweight, get screened for diabetes with a fasting glucose test, starting at puberty, at least every three years.如果你体重超标,请在青春期的时候开始接受快速葡萄糖试验,至少每三年一次。

8.The Hindu-nationapst opposition party adopted Mr Ramdev's cause and other anti-corruption campaigners joined him in fasting.印度民族主义反对党接受了兰德夫先生的观点,以及其他反腐败活动人士参与了他的斋戒。

9.So then the researchers called in nine fasting humans, to see if our sniffing powers get a boost from ghrepn.然后研究者们召集九个空腹的人来观察我们的嗅觉能力能否因激素而得到提高。

10.In this case, there is no harm to break your fasting on the basis of sickness and you are to make it up when you recover.因此,基于疾病原因而开斋也无损害,然后在康复时还补缺失的斋戒。