



1.One of our engineers, Orion Hodson, had written a new FAT32 file system from scratch using all of the static verification features in Sing#.我们其中的一个软件工程师OrionHodson,完全重新动手写了一个全新的FAT32文件系统,该系统使用了Sing#中的所有状态检验的特性。

2.Here introduces the FAT32 and the long filename reapzation mechanism emphatically.这里着重介绍FAT32实现和长文件名的实现机制。

3.Any additional partitions you will need to access when using these earper versions of Windows must also be formatted with FAT32.使用这些早期的Windows版本时,需要访问的其他任何分区也必须使用FAT32格式化。

4.Third, the analysis of the FAT32 file deletion principle, and to achieve the restoration of the document accidental delete.第三,分析了FAT32文件的删除原理,编码实现了文件误删除的恢复。

5.FAT32 also modifies the traditional FAT boot sector and allocation table, making it incompatible with some boot managers.FAT32也改进了传统的FAT引导区和分区表,使得与其他一些启动管理器不兼容。

6.FAT32 file system is not supported on this device.FAT32文件系统在这个设备上不受支持。

7.With the cluster agent approach, you just need to spare some space inside the FAT32 or NTFS filesystem to host Linux agent binaries.使用集群代理的方法,您只需要在FAT32或者NTFS文件系统中留出一些空间来存放Linux代理二进制程序。

8.Check the file system and ensure that the file system is not FAT32 .检查文件系统,确保文件系统不是FAT32。

9.FAT32 also modifies the traditional FAT boot sector and allocation table, making itincompatible with some boot managers.FAT32同样修改了传统的FAT引导区和分区表,使得与其它一些启动管理器不兼容。

10.Differential backups are not supported for full-text catalogs in FAT32 file systems.FAT32文件系统不支持对全文目录进行差异备份。