


美式发音: [ˈfeɪt(ə)l] 英式发音: ['feɪt(ə)l]



复数:fatals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.fatal accident,fatal mistake,fatal disease,fatal dose,fatal cancer





1.致命的causing or ending in death

a fatal accident/blow/illness致命的事故╱一击╱疾病

a potentially fatal form of cancer潜在致死型癌症

If she gets ill again it could prove fatal .如果她再患病,就会有性命之忧。

2.灾难性的;毁灭性的;导致失败的causing disaster or failure

a fatal error/mistake灾难性的错误

Any delay would be fatal.任何延误都可能导致失败。

There was a fatal flaw in the plan.计划中有一个致命的缺陷。

It'd be fatal to try and stop them now.现在要试图制止他们就会导致灾难性后果。

adj.1.毁灭性的;铸成不可挽回的错误的;悲惨的,不祥的;严重的,意外的2.生死[成败]攸关的;致命的 (to)3.命中注定的;避免不了的;必然的

adj.1.causing someone to die2.with very serious negative effects; a fatal error is one that stops a program from working correctly

1.致命的 fatal a. 假的,冒充的 fatal a. 致命的,毁灭性的 feasible a. 可行的 ...

2.毁灭性的 fatal a. 假的,冒充的 fatal a. 致命的,毁灭性的 feasible a. 可行的 ...

3.致命错误 Fast Zoom mode 快速缩放模式 快速缩放模式 fatal 致命错误 致命错误 Favorites 收藏夹 我的最爱 ...

4.致命错误信息 Logger.error 错误信息 Logger.fatal 致命错误信息 File=mylog.txt: 文件。 ...

5.致命的,毁灭性的 fatal a. 假的,冒充的 98-1-56 fatal a. 致命的,毁灭性的 96-6-62 feasible a. 可行的 00-1-42 ...

6.致死的 fat-soluble vitamin 脱溶性维生素 fatal 致死的;致死性 fatal rate 致死率 ...

7.荆棘花 [阅读全文] 最后的灰 …


1.Authorities say St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Josh Hancock was drunk and talking on his cell phone at the time of his fatal crash on Sunday.官方称,圣路易红雀队的投手在星期天的车祸中死亡,当时他醉酒驾车并打着电话。

2.Disregarding the big swing and trying to jump in and out was fatal to me. Nobody can catch all the fluctuations.减少操作频率,要知道做多错多,没有人能抓住所有的波动!

3.Nobody knows how much probabipty there is that the unrecoverable and fatal accidents with a tiny possibipty happen to you or me.谁知道那不可修复不能残喘的小概率事件有多大可能就偏偏发生在他自己身上呢?

4.The news of the fatal accident which deprived you of your Managing Director , Mr. Bob Smith, came as a great shock to me .得知贵公司总经理鲍勃·史密斯先生在车祸中丧生,我十分震惊。

5.Here his wife is injured and the condition is fatal. She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road.相片中是他的妻子倒在路旁,她在低空飞过一条马路時被车子撞倒,伤得很重。

6.Suddenly, a week from the fatal day, Carrie reapsed that they were going to run short.在那个不幸的付房租的日子前一个星期,嘉莉突然发现钱快用完了。

7.Spontaneous omental hemorrhage without vasculopathy is extremely rare but is often a fatal event.至于无以上危险因子网膜还是自发性出血者,虽然非常罕见,但常会致命。

8.If the trauma of being pulled to the surface from the deep is not fatal, the fish are usually crushed in the net by other fish.就算把鱼从深海拉出的创伤还能挽回,这些鱼也通常被网里其他的鱼压扁了。

9.Poor service-oriented attitude on the part of your employees can be just as fatal to your business as doing it yourself.你的员工的服务态度不佳与你自己服务态度不佳一样,对你的公司业务是致命的打击。

10.Doctors say pancreatic cancer is virtually always fatal , and is often diagnosed in its latest stages.医生表示,胰脏癌通常都是致命的,而且通常到晚期才诊断出来。