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1.Although she is often portrayed as a femme fatale, Cleopatra was deeply repgious and studied to be a nun.克娄巴特拉常常被描绘成一个妖媚荡妇,其实她笃信宗教,曾经为成为一个修女而潜心修行。

2.Fans can't seem to love Britney Spears' choice for an album title, Femme Fatale, any more.球迷似乎不能爱的“小甜甜”布兰妮的选择,专辑名称,党徽。

3.You know what I haven't heard the whole thing in it's entirety (Femme Fatale).你知道什么我没有听说过整件事在它的整体(纳粹党徽的)。

4.As you probably know, Turandot is the beautiful cold-hearted femme fatale princess who lures love-struck princes to their death.正如你或许所知,图兰朵是一位美丽但冷血的艳丽公主,她将那些被爱迷惑了的王子们引诱至死。

5.New York, NY - Pop superstar Britney Spears achieves another benchmark with her current album, Femme Fatale.纽约,纽约-流行巨星布兰妮斯皮尔斯达到另一个她目前的专辑,尤物基准。

6.So, she played with the word, 'metal, ' and the French phrase, 'femme fatale. '因此,她摆弄起英文单词“metal”(意为金属)和法文词组“femmefatale”(意为蛇蝎美人)。

7.Femme Fatale is one of the Top 10 longest running trending topics on Twitter.尤物是一个运行时间最长的前10名趋势在Twitter主题。

8.check out this rumored track pst for Femme Fatale floating around the web today.传闻,检查这个版本的党徽为漂浮网络今天。

9.Marco DaSilva, one of Britney's dancers on the Femme Fatale Tour , Tweeted saying they're rehearsing another version.马可波罗DaSilva,蛇蝎美人巡回赛上的布兰妮的舞者之一,啾啾说,他们正在排练的另一个版本。

10.The back of the communist party of China designs for the Lord femme fatale and birthplace of nan hu red boat -- jiaxing.背面主图案为中国共产党党徽及诞生地—嘉兴南湖红船。