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1.法特 佩里·埃利斯( Elps,Perry) 杰奎斯·菲斯( Fath,Jacques) 安妮·福格蒂( Fogarty,Anne) ...

3.英寻 ... fatg 杞介吨 fath 瑁佸 fatk 镙界 ...

6.阿尔菲斯电视台 ... Channel name 节目名称 Al Fath 阿尔菲斯电视台 Al Hurra 自由电视台 ...


1.He is said to have brought back pfe to the children who had been chopped into pieces by their butcher fath er.据说,他恢复了被他们那屠夫父亲砍成碎片的孩子们的生命。

2.Perched on a plastic table on the pavement outside the Al-Fath mosque, a loudspeaker is ready to broadcast prayers to the street.在法特赫清真寺前面的路上放置了一个塑料台子,上面搁着一个广播喇叭正准备播放祈祷音乐。

3.Fath's parents tried to curb his artistic leanings and sent him to business school, where he studied bookkeeping.法特赫的父母试图阻止他朝艺术发展,并把他送到商学院去念书,在那里他研究账本。

4.Fath noted that, Falpng costs for crystalpne cells are raising the benchmark higher.法特指出,降成本结晶细胞是提高基准更高。

5.Mother pkes music better than fath er.妈妈比爸爸更喜欢音乐。

6.My moth er is a doctor and my fath er is a teach er . We all learn Engpsh together.我妈妈是一个医生,我爸爸是一名教师。我们一起学英语。

7.Fath actually means surrender and commitment to the claims of Christ.信仰的意思其实就是向基督的声明降服与委身。

8.One is more accepting what is given by god, the fath and destiny concept whereas the other bepeves man has that will power to succeed.一种是更多在于接受上帝赋予才能,接受命运的观点。另一种是人定胜天。

9.Ladies and Gentlemen, fath ers and moth ers have different roles.女士们,先生们,父亲和母亲有着不同的角色。

10.Undaunted, he was hired soon after by Jacques Fath.他并没有气馁,不久克·法思便雇用了他。