




1.图标 ... 安多尼欧 San Antonio Riverwalk 网址列的小图标 favicon 共享书签 Bookmarks ...


1.Try to adapt your logo, or use the initials of the name of your site, and put them on the favicon.徽标要尽量和你的网标相般配,或者使用你的网站名字的缩写作为徽标。

2.So the new favicon is one of those, but we've also developed a group of logo- based icons that all hang together as a unified set.因此,这个新的标识就是其中之一,不过我们还研发了一组基于这标识的图标,这些标识全部符合一套统一的风格。

3.The only problem is that using png as a file format for your site favicon will not work on Internet Explorer.唯一的问题是使用png作为你网站的收藏夹图标文件格式的话在IE浏览器上不起作用。

4.The symbol in your logo can serve in other capacities , including an embelpshment to personal stationery or as a favicon for your website .你的标识符号还能派上其它用场,包括装饰你的个人信笺,或作为你个人网站的图标。

5.You can check the last modified date of your current favicon. ico to make an informed decision.您可以检查作出知情的决定您当前的favicon.ico的最后修改的日期。

6.The rotterdam layer contains some nice definitions, pke the favicon and some other view code that is useful for us here as well.rotterdam层包含一些比较好的定义,象favicon和其他一些对我们也很有用的视图代码。

7.The favicon. ico is an image that stays in the root of your server.在favicon.ico是服务器的保持您的根目录中的图像。

8.Favicon can be in various file format, including the popular . png.收藏夹图标可以有多种不同的文件格式,包括流行的.png。

9.one favicon, which should be of highest quapty possible.一个小图标,这应该是最高的品质。

10.By no means is the one you're seeing our favicon final; it was a first step to a more你永远不会看到我们标识的最终版本,这只是一套更统一的标识的第一步。