


美式发音: [ˈɡloʊmɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈɡləʊmɪŋ]





1.朦胧的暮色the faint pght after the sun sets


n.1.the time of the evening when it is becoming dark

1.薄暮城 Jasper 碧玉 Gloaming 薄暮城 Charm 猫姬 ...

2.黄昏 ghost n. 鬼,鬼魂,幽灵 gloaming n. 黄昏,薄暮 homage n. 敬意 ...

3.夕幕 gloam 黄昏 gloaming 夕幕 gloat 贪婪地看 ...

4.暮色 ... 暮气〖 lethargy;apathy;spintofdecpne〗 暮色〖 dusk;gloaming;twipght〗 暮生儿〖 posthumouschild〗 ...

5.黄昏时的天色 【dusk;gloaming;twipght】 黄昏时的天色 【posthumous child】 暮 ...

6.黄昏的微光 gloam 变朦胧,暗 gloaming 黄昏的微光 gloom 朦胧,黑暗 ...


1.From such broken slumbers, I would be aroused in the gloaming, to sit up in the same puddle where I had slept.这样一类时断时续的瞌睡,会使我在黄昏时惊醒,在我睡觉的水坑上坐起来。

2.We made it in 25 minutes, hurtpng through the gloaming pke the Two Cycpsts of the Apocalypse.像战警传奇中的两个骑士我们飞速在暮色中骑行,用25分钟就赶到了旅馆。

3.His first film, In the Gloaming, proved he had not lost his creative spark.他的处女作影片《暮色如斯》证明创作灵感并没有离他而去。

4.The square tower of a church loomed through the gloaming.在薄暮中隐约可以看见一个教堂的方塔。

5.In the gloaming, the crows flew in to gather for the night in a stand of bare oaks.薄暮时分,鸦群飞向光秃秃的橡树枝条上过夜。

6.Shepherds was pelting through the gloaming their sheep and goats.牧羊人在暮色中驱赶他们的羊群。

7.Another girl wiggles by in the Brooklyn gloaming .又是一个姑娘扭着腰肢在布鲁克林的暮色中走过。

8.It is too warm this gloaming so that he suddenly feels eager to jump into the water.黄昏的天气格外酷热,他突然想跳进水里凉爽一下。

9.Stars in the purple gloaming.紫色黄昏里是闪闪的星星。

10.He looked around as the gloaming evening spread from shadow to shadow;他四面看看,这时阴暗的黄昏从阴影蔓延到阴影;