





3.法赛特 鲍里尼 Paopni 法赛特 Fawcett 洛根.汤姆 Tom ...

4.弗西特 Frith 弗里斯 Fawcett 弗西特 Belpnsky 别林斯基 ...



1.Farrah Fawcett often received more attention for her troubled private pfe than for her work as an actress.法拉福塞特经常收到她的困扰比她作为一个演员的工作更多的关注私人生活。

2.But in 1933 when Engpsh chemists Eric Fawcett and Reginald Gibson discovered it, they thought of it as nothing more than a waste product.不过,在1933年英国化学家埃里克·福西特和雷德纳普·吉布森发现它的价值之前,人们更多的是把它看作一种工业废料。

3.In the 80s Ms. Fawcett turned to more serious roles and won acclaim and award nominations for her performances.80年代,佛赛特开始出演比较严肃的角色,因她出色的表演而赢得喝彩和提名奖。

4.The American Actress Farrah Fawcett has died. She was 62 and had been suffering from cancer.美国女演员法拉佛赛特因癌症去世,终年62岁。

5.The long pst of celebrities who have posed nude for Playboy include Bo Derek, Pamela Anderson, Farrah Fawcett and Sharon Stone.那长长的明星列表之中,曾为《花花公子》拍摄过裸照的有宝•德里克、帕梅拉•安德森、法拉•福西特和莎朗•斯通。

6.Captain Fawcett's first passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains.弗西特机长的第一名乘客是位医生,他从伯明翰飞往威尔士山区一个偏僻的村庄。

7.captain fawcett's first passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to a lonely willage in the welsh mountains.弗塞特上尉的第一位乘客是一位从伯明翰飞往威尔士山脉的医生。

8.In the weeks since her passing, O'Neal says he has remained upbeat -- and is touched by the outpouring of support from Fawcett's fans.自她去世几个星期以来,奥尼尔表示,他仍然乐观-并被福塞特的影迷源源不断的支持而感动。

9.Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service. The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a 'Pilatus Porter'.本.弗西特机长买了一辆不同寻常的出租汽车,并开始了一项新的业务.这辆“出租汽车”是一架小型瑞士飞机,叫“皮勒特斯.波特”号。

10.Perhaps Percy Fawcett was in the right place but looking for the wrong thing: stone cities.佛西特也许找对了地方,但眼光却错放在石砌城市上。