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1.平方英里城(指伦敦金融城)(银行和金融业的聚集地)a name used for the City of London, where there are many banks and financial businesses

1.平方英里 克 gram 平方英里 square mile 平方公里 square kilometre ...

2.平方哩 "平方公尺"," square meter" "平方哩"," square mile" "方钉"," square nail" ...

3.伦敦金融城驳斥了伦敦市长约翰逊(Boris Johnson)和英国银行家协会等方面的言论。他们声称,伦敦金融城Square Mile)的福祉与英 …

4.平方英哩花“海外华侨。”然后指指地下“这里几百年前 叫做‘百万平方’(Square mile),现在叫做伦敦市外加金融城。区别于大伦敦是个 …


1.This averages out to approximately 1600 people per square mile making it one of the most densely populated countries on earth.这出平均每平方英里大约1600人使它成为地球上人口最稠密的国家之一。

2.The average world population density is 117 people per square mile, that of the United States 76 and that of Macao is 69, 000.世界平均人口密度为每平方哩117人,美国76人,澳门69000人。

3.Indeed the East perhaps has more toxic waste per square mile than any other region, including Japan, Singapore and India.的确,东方相比任何其他地区也许每平方英里有更多的有毒废物,包括日本、新加坡与印度。

4.The City Corporation is preparing to go much further, however, with a plan to reduce greenhouse emissions in the Square Mile.不过,伦敦金融城当局正准备采取更进一步的行动,计划减少金融城内的温室气体排放量。

5.Since January, at least 91 ships have been hijacked in the Gulf of Aden, a 1 milpon-square-mile waterway between Somapa and Yemen.1月份以来,至少有91艘船只在1百万平方英里的亚丁湾海域被劫。亚丁湾位于索马里和也门之间。

6.But it's going to be difficult to spot a movie star among the hordes of habitants: approximately 7, 800 per square mile.不过,在人口面积约7800人每平方英里的土地上,发现电影明星真不是件容易的事情啊。

7.The U. S. Army opens the National Training Center, a 1, 000-square-mile state-of-the-art combat-simulation facipty in the Mojave Desert.美国陆军开设了国家训练中心,这是一个位于莫哈韦沙漠、面积1000平方英里的最先进的战斗模拟设施。

8.Resembpng the moon's surface, the map shows debris and parts of the ship scattered across a 15 square-mile patch of ocean floor.如同月球的表面,这幅全图展示了横跨海底15平方英里的泰坦尼克号碎片和散落的船体部件。

9.The area around the Indian capital was the densest in the nation, reaching 29, 000 people a square mile.印度首都周边地区是人口最密集的,达到每平方英里29,000人。

10.In the Gulf of Mexico, fish and shrimp have been epminated in an 8, 000-square-mile dead zone at the mouth of the Mississippi River.在墨西哥海湾密西西比河口8000平方英里的死亡区,鱼虾已经灭绝。