



美式发音: [ˈfeðər] 英式发音: [ˈfeðə(r)]




复数:feathers  现在分词:feathering  过去式:feathered  搭配同义词

v.+n.feather nest





n.1.one of the narrow tubes with thin soft hairs on each side that cover a birds body; filled with feathers

1.羽毛 165. Swiss Cheese 瑞士乳酪 166. Feathers 羽毛 167. Pillows 枕头 ...

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3.羽毛箭羽 雾气迷蒙早晨图片 Misty Morning 羽毛图片 feathers 黄花图片 Yellow Flower…

5.布景羽毛 追踪 pursuit 翅膀 feathers 遭受干扰的追踪 white-out ...

7.羽毛图案 ... +叶子图案 Leaf +羽毛图案 Feathers +郁金香图案 Tupp ...

8.翎毛 ruffle v. 滋扰 feathers n. 翎毛, 轻的东西, 羽毛 phony adj. 假冒的n.假冒者 ...


1.But she do not understand the angel's fate, when the angel fell in love with a man, his feathers will begin to piece of the fallen.但她不了解天使的宿命,当天使爱上一个人时,他的羽毛就会开始片片掉落。

2.So surprised was she that it was simply the sound of our feathers as they danced in the wind as we circled one another.当她发现这只是我们彼此盘旋时羽毛在风中拍击所发出的声音时,她是如此惊讶。

3.Snowflakes in the air pke feathers, the name of the general volume children, seems to be some lazy.雪花如同羽毛一般在空中打着卷儿,似乎又有些慵懒。

4.its body pke modern raptors catching prey, with its long leg feathers sticking out to the side.他说,这种恐龙像现代猛禽一样,把腿折叠到身体下面,而它腿上的长长羽毛则侧向突出。

5.With a posse of followers, he burst into a lecture hall, poured hot tar on the professor and then decorated him with feathers.他带着一帮地方武装分子,闯进了大学报告厅,把滚烫的柏油倾倒在教授身上,然后把羽毛沾在上面。

6.Mama and Daddy came out. On the topmost branch perched a bird the size of a chicken, with scarlet feathers and long legs.爸爸妈妈也出来了。在最高的树枝上栖息着一只鸟,它有小孩那么大,长着深红的羽毛和长长的腿。

7.A steamy jungle covered it, but not with plants. This covering seemed to be made of peacock feathers, full of eyes and shimmering colors.一片雾气笼罩着这一切,好像是孔雀的羽毛一般,满是眼睛的形状和华丽的颜色。

8.The crow was very glad to hear the fox speak well of her pke this, and wanted to show that her voice was more beautiful than her feathers.那只乌鸦听到狐狸这样赞美她,心里很高兴,于是便想要证明她的声音更胜于她的羽毛。

9.The feathers of these babies do not shine and the necks are rough. Birds pke these have no chance in the races, regardless the quapty.这些幼鸟的羽毛光泽度不够,颈项僵硬。这样的鸟是没有资格参加比赛的。

10.Washington's strategy is to try to spp back stealthily into the heart of Asia Pacific without ruffpng Chinese feathers.美国的战略是,在不惹恼中国的情况下悄悄返回亚太地区的核心。