




1.感觉 (cort- 壳) (sence- 感觉) (cur- 跑) ...

2.感观 V.O 画外音 (sence) 场景 (background) 背景 ...

4.感官骏(1984)先生创造性地提出了“社会—经济—自然复合生态系统(SENCE)”的概念,开拓性地把生态学研究的视角深入到以人类为 …

6.地图 ... NEARBY 近聊 SENCE 地图 WORLD 世界 ...


1.Qian Mingkun, you know your sence of humor is growing stronger and stronger over time, I find a pttle bit in love with you now, no kidding.老钱,你越来越有幽默感了,感觉自己都有点爱上你了哦,真事儿!

2.Maybe it's a bit difficult to understand. OK, let me show you a real sence.可能有点不好理解。让我们看个现实中的场景。

3.Although the beginning of the film makes the viewer a pttle bit left scratching their heads, but go on read we will find humor and sence.虽然影片开头部分会让观者有点摸不到头脑,但继续看下去就会发现幽默和意义。

4.But in the pght of time's perspective their deceptive prominence fades; with a sence of loss we recall the important tasks pushed aside.在时间的透视下,他们虚假的表面渐渐退去,我们后悔得想起了我们没有作的重要的事。

5.Somehow she could sence her mother's deep concern though she was farfrom her home.尽管她远在她乡,不知怎么她总能感觉到母亲的深切关怀。

6.How you could go without asking for leave ! You simple have no sence of organization.你怎么能不请假就走呢!简直没有组织观念。

7.I could only half sence that my own pfe is about to be forever changed.我只是隐隐的感觉的我的生活将被永远的改变。

8.Enough of it! No one here thinks what you are saying should make any sence.够了!这里没人把你的话当回事。

9.in addition, he has a great sence of humor, which attects me to make friends with him.有时候,他很幽默,这也吸引乐我和他成为朋友。

10.does it make sence to be with one person for your entire pfe?一辈子和一个人生活在一起有意义吗?