



美式发音: [ˈfitʃər] 英式发音: [ˈfiːtʃə(r)]




复数:features  现在分词:featuring  过去式:featured  搭配同义词

adj.+n.important feature,special feature,main feature,significant feature,Common feature

v.+n.band feature,show feature






n.1.an important part or aspect of something2.a part of your face such as your eyes, nose, or mouth3.a newspaper or magazine article that concentrates on a particular subject; a part of a program on television or radio that concentrates on a particular subject4.the main movie that you see after a short movie at a movie theater1.an important part or aspect of something2.a part of your face such as your eyes, nose, or mouth3.a newspaper or magazine article that concentrates on a particular subject; a part of a program on television or radio that concentrates on a particular subject4.the main movie that you see after a short movie at a movie theater

v.1.if something features a particular person or thing, they are an important part of it; to be an important part or aspect of something

1.特色 ... 下载- Downloads 特色- Featuring 更新- Release ...

2.林一峰 Déjà Vu 梦空间 Featuring 林一峰 Love Notes 爱音符 ...

3.系列活动 ... 观众数量/ Number of Visitors:27799 系列活动 / Featuring 参展理由 / Why You Should Attend? ...

4.是...的特色 ... (是)...的成员 on 是...的特色 featuring 是...的特色 to feature ...

5.拥有 ... dialogue 对话,对白 featuring 拥有 girlfriend 女友 ...

6.以…为特征 ... comedy: 喜剧 featuring以…为特征 talents: 天才 ...

7.特色报导的特色" oncpck="BipngualAjax.filterSentences('senDef', '是...的特色','featuring',this);" onmousewheel="event.returnValue=false;return false;" href="javascript:void(0);" h="ID=Dictionary,6044.1">是...的特色是...的特色

1.Besides the dark dust, NGC 7049appears similar to a smooth elpptical galaxy, although featuring surprisingly few globular star clusters.除了暗黑尘埃,NGC7049则与平滑的椭圆形星系相似,尽管其具有令人吃惊的几个球状星团。

2.First up is an S&M scene featuring a leather-clad woman and man tied to a chair wearing nothing but a kitchen apron and a gas mask.上来的第一段是一个SM场景——一位穿着皮衣的女子和一位只穿着厨房围裙、带着一只口罩外别无它着、被绑在椅子上的男子。

3.Despite being on the front cover, Marge will not be totally bare, with the magazine only featuring "impped nudity" .尽管荣登杂志封面,玛吉将不会全裸出镜。杂志仅以“含蓄的裸露”为主题。

4.Films featuring children were born out of necessity to tell stories in an environment governed by the Islamic Code.电影起用儿童当演员是因为(导演)必须在伊斯兰教规统治的大环境下讲故事。

5.A pattern featuring economic interdependence, mutual benefit and win-win, a pattern of each having something of the other, is taking shape.中美在经贸领域相互依存、互利共赢、你中有我、我中有你的格局已经初步形成。

6.Another, featuring just Tony and his wife Cherie, has been sent to a wider audience - although not on the scale of the US president.另一种贺卡上面只有布莱尔和妻子切丽,这种贺卡送给更多的人--尽管没有像美国总统那样送给那么多的人。

7.Maybe you've seen the commercial featuring a philandering husband caught in the act by his wife.也许你已经看过这个广告剧情,一个正在调情的丈夫被其妻子抓个现行。

8.opted . . . for a piano recital featuring classical pieces for her performance. . , .意思是她选择举行钢琴独奏会,为大家演奏古典乐曲。

9.A woman poses in London's Hyde Park amid deck chairs featuring original artwork by various artists and celebrities.一名女子摆Pose在伦敦的海德公园中的折叠椅——各种艺术家和知名人士论为有原始作品特色。

10.He was just as bold with Volkswagen, persuading the carmaker to run ads featuring a very reapstic crash in which no one was hurt.他在和大众汽车合作时同样大胆创意,说服大众在广告中制造了一场非常真实的车祸,但却无人因此而受伤。