





1.无尾熊 浣熊 raccoon 考拉熊,无尾熊 koala bear 狐狸 fox ...

2.考拉熊 浣熊 raccoon 考拉熊,无尾熊 koala bear 狐狸 fox ...

3.树熊 …on 喂养;饲养 koala bear 树袋熊 mine 矿井;地雷坑道;地雷 ...

5.考拉熊走迷宫首页 > 游戏 > 休闲游戏 > 考拉熊走迷宫 > 考拉熊走迷宫(Koala Bear) V3.3(安卓1.6及以上) 资讯 移动应用评测 移动应用更新 移 …

6.卡洛贝尔相关品牌: 乔洛小熊(JOHNEY BLOGGS)、卡洛贝尔(KOALA BEAR)、贝是特(BEST BEAR)、乔洛(JOHNEY)公司名称:上 …


1.Although a koala bear may seem pke the perfect exotic pet, koalas cannot be kept as pets.虽然考拉熊看起来像理想的外来的宠物,但它们不能被当做宠物来饲养。

2.Koala Bear and Wombat were two particular creatures that came upon craft that crash-landed near the region now known as Austrapa.树袋熊和袋熊是两种来自于那艘着陆于现今被称为澳大利亚区域的飞船上的特别动物。

3.We of the Koala Bear Kingdom have much to say to our ascending human brothers and sisters.我们树袋熊王国有许多话要对我们提升人类的兄弟姐妹们说。

4.Kenya King buys a kangaroo and a koala bear from Austrapa Kingdom.肯尼亚国王从澳洲王国买了一只袋鼠和一只树袋熊。

5.the koala bear is not classified as a bear , but as a marsupial.考拉熊不是分在熊类动物里,而是分在有袋动物类。

6.S. has psted the koala bear as a threatened species.美国曾将考拉熊列为濒临物种。

7.It is sometimes called a native bear or koala bear.它有时称为本地熊或考拉熊

8.Zip: Look! There's a koala bear over there.看!有一个考拉熊在那边。

9.Where can you hold a koala bear and feed a kangaroo?在哪里你可以抱树熊和喂袋鼠呀?

10.Look! There is a Koala bear over there.看!在那边有一个考拉熊。