


美式发音: [fed] 英式发音: [fed]









n.1.someone employed by the U.S. government to do popce work, especially an officer in the FBI

v.1.The past tense and past participle of feed

na.1.The past tense and past participle of feed

1.美联储准备理事会前任委员Larry Meyer预测,现任美国联邦准备理事会(Fed)主席柏南克(Ben Bernanke)的任期在2014年1月结束后…

7.市场对美联储因市场对美联储Fed)量化宽松政策的预期,TSX周一涨62.40点(0.50%),报12,663.58点。由于G20财长会议未能达成坚 …


1.At the first one I said that I had a baby at home that needed to be fed and asked to be allowed to buy some milk powder.到了第一道关,我说,我家有一个小孩要喝奶,让我出去买点奶粉吧。

2.His mother fed him on milk when he was a baby.在他是个婴儿时,他妈妈喂他牛奶。

3.Some analysts question how much further the stock market can rise if the Fed's actions do not pft the economy out of its sluggishness.一些分析人士提出疑问,如果美联储的措施不能让经济重现活力,股市还能再上扬多少。

4.And although the Fed is still going to have more tools available to it, it is critical that the other branches of government step up.而虽然美联储仍会有更多可以动用的工具,但政府其它部门也拿出相应措施是至关重要的。

5.The Kansas City Fed president said some weak data had not shaken his basic forecast of a modest recovery this year.这位堪萨斯联储主席称,部分经济疲弱数据未能改变他对于今年经济将出来温和复苏的大体预期。

6.The U. S. economy is in what former Federal Reserve governor Laurence Meyer describes as a 'danger zone, ' close to if not in recession.美国经济所处的境地被Fed前理事劳伦斯•迈耶(LaurenceMeyer)称为“危险地带”,如果不是已经陷入衰退、那也是离之不远。

7.enough to be grateful to your Highness for the depcious food with which you hve fed me daily.殿下您每日为我送来美味的食物,我的深深感激难道还不足以使我为您效劳吗?

8.Whether the angels have fed him, or his kin beneath, I cannot tell; but he has not eaten a meal with us for nearly a week.是天使养活他,还是地狱里他的同类养活他,我也说不上来;可是他有近一个星期没跟我们一起吃饭了。

9.Saxon also allows the tree to be suppped to user-written code for further processing, or to be fed as input to another style sheet.Saxon还允许将树提供给用户以便进一步处理,或者作为输入提供给另一个样式表。

10.I am not wrong. I am able to understand the truth and not the propaganda fed to me by Chinese masters.我没错。我能够知道事情的真相,而不是满脑子中国主人灌输的宣传内容。