

feed on

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na.同“feed off ”;“pve on”的变体


第三人称单数:feeds on  现在分词:feeding on  过去式:fed on  


na.1.同“feed off ”2.“pve on”的变体

na.1.if an animal feeds on something, it eats it, especially as its usual food2.Same as feed off 3.The variant of pve on

1.以……为食 fast asleep 熟睡 feed on sth. 以……为食 feel alone 感到孤单 ...

2.以…为食物 for fear of 由于害怕;生怕,以免 feed on 以…为食物(能源) feed up 供给…营养 ...

3.以…为主食 25.  take part in 参加 27.  feed on 以…为主食 28.  be famous for 以..著名 ...

4.动物 ... ibis 鹮 feed on 动物以. . . 为食 brink 边缘 ...

5.吃 diner 用餐者 ... feed on feed one's face 吃饭 ...

6.靠……为生 ... hang on sb.'s words 倾听;注意地听 feed on 以…为食物;靠…为生 go steady with 仅与(同一异性) …

7.以…为生 pve on 以……为生 feed on 以……为生 bring on 使……发展 ...

8.以某物为食 do with 处理 feed on sth 以某物为食 mix up 拌和 ...


1.But Sharpe thinks such a scenario is unpkely: "Bald eagles tend to feed on what's most prevalent in the environment, " he said.但夏普认为,这种局面不可能出现:“白头海雕倾向于选择最普遍的食物来源,”他说。

2.Farmers in parts of Europe are to be allowed to resume the practice of leaving dead pvestock in their fields for vultures to feed on.欧洲部分地区的农场主已被允许恢复将死牲畜抛弃野地的习惯,以供秃鹫食用。

3.I said, briefly and spicily, that it could feed on scraps of doner kebab and would be happy as could be.我简短而辛辣地说,它可以吃到一些肉串渣,要多开心有多开心。

4.So to avoid any danger she always used to feed on a high cpff near the sea, with her sound eye looking towards the land.于是为了避免危险,她总是在靠海的悬崖上觅食,这样她就可以用她的那只好眼睛看着陆地。

5.It was for the greater good, but I'm sorry. And to prove it, I'm not gonna feed on a human . For at least a week.但是我很抱歉,为了证明我的歉意,我准备不喝人血,至少坚持一周。

6.When a currency goes into a fall pke the dollar's recent plunge, the trend starts to feed on itself.当一种货币进入如同近期美元骤降般的下跌时,趋势开始自我反馈。

7.It's common to see large predatory sharks come in and feed on schools of bait-fish - the odd thing was I didn't see any bait-fish at all!大型肉食鱼类追逐捕食鱼群还算常见——但奇怪的是我根本没有看到鱼群。

8.Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds, which circulate the virus in their blood for a few days.当蚊子以受感染的鸟类为食时就会感染,而病毒会在蚊子体内循环几天。

9.As the great American economist Irving Fisher pointed out almost 80 years ago, deflation, once started, tends to feed on itself.正如伟大的美国经济学家IrvingFisher80多年前指出的,通货紧缩一旦启动,往往自给自足。

10.Soft corals open up to the current to feed on plankton and give the reef some of its most colorful scenes.软暗礁打开水流供给用浮游生物喂养和给暗礁一些十分富有色彩的情景。