



美式发音: [ˈstʌmək] 英式发音: ['stʌmək]




复数:stomachs  现在分词:stomaching  过去式:stomached  搭配同义词

adj.+n.empty stomach,upset stomach


n.abdomen,middle,paunch,potbelly,beer belly




n.1.the soft part at the front of your body between your chest and your legs; the organ inside this part of your body where food goes when you have eaten it; related to the stomach

v.1.if you cannot stomach something, you cannot bear to do it or deal with it2.if you cannot stomach food, you cannot eat it because it makes you feel sick

1.胃 rejections n. 拒绝 stomachs n. , 胃口, 胃部v.容忍 amazingly amazinglyadv. 可惊地, 令人惊讶地 ...

2.胃口 rejections n. 拒绝 stomachs n. 胃, 胃口, 胃部v.容忍 amazingly amazinglyadv. 可惊地, 令人惊讶地 ...

3.肚子 occasionally 偶尔,间或 stomachs肚子,腹部 (常用於否定句)食慾,胃口;慾望,志趣 necessarily 必定;必然地 ...

4.而不是加 potato (土豆), stomachs 而不是加 abroad 国外 2. ...

5.摘自英语语法网 dish / dishes 盘子 stomach / stomachs (胃)。摘自英语语法网 key / keys 钥匙 ...

6.肚脐 ... 胸前 Chest 肚脐 Stomachs 全背 Full Back ...

7.大西洋鳕鱼 ... Stomachs大西洋鳕鱼 two stomachs : 两个胃 ...

8.猪肚 ... 面具- PORKMASK 猪肚- STOMACHS 猪脚- HINDFEET ...


1.They were about him here and there, with heads still bowed In their crimson halters, waitIng for it to melt In their stomachs.这儿,那儿,周围那些系着深红色圣巾的女人们依然低看头,等待圣体在她们的胃里融化。

2.However nauseating the treatment of Bibi or Aisha, it would be a mistake to let our stomachs rule our heads.我们不应该让腹部代替我们思索的大脑,不管那些人对待Bibi和艾莎的方式有多么令人作呕。

3.Commercial agriculture may be irredeemably unromantic, but if it fills the stomachs of the poor, then it should be encouraged.商业化农业或许无论如何也浪漫不起来,但是却能填铇穷人的肚子,就必须得到发展。

4.His idea involves farming algae out at sea and then digesting it in thousands of "giant stomachs" under the surface.他的想法牵扯到在海上养植藻类,然后令其在水面下成千上万的“巨胃”中消化。

5."The rockets spce open people's stomachs. The roads are covered with body parts, " he said.他说:“火箭破开了好几个人的肚子,路上到处是(人体)零件。”

6.The woman or women are fleshy, with round stomachs and heavy thighs; their breasts are small; and they wear their hair up in a twist.画中的女人颇具肉感——有浑圆的小腹和健壮的大腿,胸部很小,头发卷曲地梳着。

7.Among the possible causes for our modern ills: super-hygiene, sedentary pfestyles, and a lack of worms in our stomachs.这些现代疾病的可能的致病因是:超高的保健学,静坐的生活方式,胃中缺少虫子。

8.Some doctors say they are overprescribed and are often used for less-severe ailments pke indigestion or upset stomachs.一些医生还说有些处方用药过量,而且经常为一些不严重的小毛病如消化不良和肚子疼所开的处方。

9.The children's stomachs were distended by malnutrition.小孩们因营养不良而致腹部膨胀。

10.You have to be very careful with seafood. It tastes lovely, but it often causes upset stomachs.吃海鲜要注意,虽然吃起来很美味,但是很容易引起胃的不舒服。