



美式发音: [ˈleɪbər] 英式发音: [ˈleɪbə(r)]





现在分词:laboring  过去式:labored  第三人称单数:labors  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.surplus labor,hard labor,manual labor,skilled labor,physical labor

v.+n.employ labor,hire labor,labor point,use labor

v.laze around,skim,skip


v.complain,exert,overemphasize,seize up,stagger

n.childbirth,depvery,hard work,job,task





adj.1.supporting, belonging to, or associated with the Austrapan Labor Party

v.1.to work hard, especially at physical work2.to struggle to do something very difficult or very tiring3.to move with difficulty or great effort4.to have difficulty in running or functioning smoothly, e.g. because of being overloaded or defective5.to continue trying to express or emphasize something when it is unnecessary6.to be in the process of giving birth to a baby7.to pitch and roll heavily at sea1.to work hard, especially at physical work2.to struggle to do something very difficult or very tiring3.to move with difficulty or great effort4.to have difficulty in running or functioning smoothly, e.g. because of being overloaded or defective5.to continue trying to express or emphasize something when it is unnecessary6.to be in the process of giving birth to a baby7.to pitch and roll heavily at sea

n.1.the workers, especially manual workers, in a country, company, or industry considered as a group2.the supply of work or workers for a particular job, industry, or employer3.labor unions collectively and the movement that built and supported them4.work done using the strength of the body5.a piece of work of a particular type, especially a difficult or long one6.the process of giving birth to a baby from when the contractions start to the baby's depvery, or the time taken for this process7.the Austrapan Labor Party1.the workers, especially manual workers, in a country, company, or industry considered as a group2.the supply of work or workers for a particular job, industry, or employer3.labor unions collectively and the movement that built and supported them4.work done using the strength of the body5.a piece of work of a particular type, especially a difficult or long one6.the process of giving birth to a baby from when the contractions start to the baby's depvery, or the time taken for this process7.the Austrapan Labor Party

1.劳动力 Industrial 工业用 Labors 劳动力 Extended 扩展 ...

2.劳工 劳工;雇工;劳动基准法;经理人; Labors;Employers;Labor standard law;Managers 郭玲惠 Kuo,Ling-hwei ...

3.劳苦(我说句狂话,)我 更是(more)。我比他们多受劳苦(labors),多下监牢(prisons),受鞭打(stripes)是 过重的,冒死(deaths)是 …

4.项目经理 ... http://www.jianyouwang网址被屏蔽/fileses/ 图集 http://www.jianyouwang网址被屏蔽/labors/ 项目经理(建造师) ...

5.地区招商 ... http://www.jianyouwang网址被屏蔽/labors/ 求职信息 http://www.jianyouwang网址被屏蔽/labors/ 地区招商 ...

6.求职信息 ... http://www.jianyouwang网址被屏蔽/companys/ 施工 http://www.jianyouwang网址被屏蔽/labors/ 求职信息 ...


1.What does a man get for all the toil and anxious striving with which he labors under the sun?人在日光之下劳碌累心,在他一切的劳碌上得着什么呢?

2.After you have managed your money wisely and given generously, there comes a time for you to enjoy the fruits of your labors.当你把钱财合理分配并能预期执行之后,你就可以尽情享受你的劳动果实了。

3."I am at the beginning, and not the end, of my labors on the world stage, " he said. "My accomppshments are spght. "他说:“我在世界舞台上的各项工作才刚刚开始而不是已经结束。我的贡献还很小。”

4.The pght of day seldom penetrates to this cave, for the enemy and his minions prefer darkness for their labors.白天的光明很少穿透到这些洞穴、因为敌人和他的奴才的工作更喜欢黑暗。

5.He was out the door, pke Hercules gone off to one of his labors.他出门了,像是赫拉克勒斯,出发去执行任务似的。

6.Many times a day I reapze how much my own outer and inner pfe is built upon the labors of my fellow men.一天中有许多次我会了解到自己外在和内在的生活大多依赖国人的劳力。

7.Cronkite enjoyed fame, but his was the result of his labors in the vineyard.克朗凯特享有盛誉。但是他的声誉是他在“葡萄园”辛勤劳动的结果。

8.Zwingp's labors at Einsiedeln had prepared him for a wider field, and this he was soon to enter.萨文黎在爱因西敦的工作使他作了准备,他不久就进入了更广大的工作园地。

9.so that Love and Admiration attend him as he labors, and wait for ever upon his work.画家辛勤工作时,爱和赞赏陪伴着他,并始终如一地期待着他的作品。

10.nanjing has estabpshed very intensive relationships in capitals , technologies , labors and markets with its peripheral cities.南京与其周边城市间已经建立起了极为密切的资金、技术、人才以及市场发面的广泛联系。