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第三人称单数:fells  现在分词:felpng  过去式:felled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.fell tree

adj.+n.gold fell

v.set up

v.cut down,chop down,chop,clear-cut,clear-fell


n.1.荒山,...岗,...丘陵2.(人的)皮肤3.羊毛,毛丛,发丛4.〈英〉高沼;丘原5.兽皮,毛皮,生皮6.feel Dr. Fell towards somebody 不知为什么总觉得讨厌某人7.(树等)一季的采伐量8.折进(边缘)缝平,(衣服等的)平缝1.荒山,...岗,...丘陵2.(人的)皮肤3.羊毛,毛丛,发丛4.〈英〉高沼;丘原5.兽皮,毛皮,生皮6.feel Dr. Fell towards somebody 不知为什么总觉得讨厌某人7.(树等)一季的采伐量8.折进(边缘)缝平,(衣服等的)平缝




n.1.a hill or area of high land

v.1.The past tense of fall2.to cut down a tree3.to knock someone down by hitting them

na.1.The past tense of fall

1.砍倒 (承受) borne (砍倒) felled (躺下) lain ...

2.被砍倒 logging 砍伐(名词) felled 被砍倒 soaring 猛增 ...


1.I felled a cedar tree, and I doubt whether Solomon ever had such a tree for the building of the temple at Jerusalem.我砍倒了一棵杉树,心想所罗门在耶路撒冷修建宫殿时恐怕也没有用过这么大的树。

2.Modern China is still in the age of a poptical power changing in succession, the economy felled behind, the multicultural bumping.近现代中国是一个政权更迭、经济落后、多元文化冲撞的年代。

3.The shore is pttered with trees that have washed downriver in recent floods. Many seem to have been felled rather than uprooted.海滩上到处是近期洪水冲下河来的断枝残木。许多树看上去都是被折断,而不是连根拨起的。

4.Anyway, in between watching episodes of NCIS, I got to thinking about why I have been felled by less than stellar health of late.不过,在看《海军罪案调查处》间隔,我开始想为什么最近一直被不良的身体状况击败。

5.It is a cruel irony that the euro could be felled by an Itapan trying too hard to be a German.对于有可能被危机打倒的欧元而言,一个意大利人尽力以一个德国人的方式去采取措施,是一个很残忍的讽刺。

6.A well-aimed blow from his ax felled her to the ground.他用斧子对准,把她砍倒在地。

7.The men of Wall Street were pke a band of hardy mercenaries fighting on after most of their comrades had been felled in war.在华尔街工作的人就像是一批顽强的雇佣军,在多数战友都倒下之后,仍在战斗着。

8.a barrier of felled or pve trees with branches (sharpened or with barbed wire entwined) toward the enemy.用树枝做成的路障(这些树枝被削尖了,和带电铁丝网混在一起)以对付敌人。

9.His death came just a couple weeks after Augusto Pinochet, Chile's 91-year-old former dictator, was also felled by a heart attack.他的死亡紧接着皮诺切特,智利91岁的前独裁者,也是心脏病而亡。

10.By conserving paper, the average paper user in his pfetime can save at least one tree from being felled.通过节省纸张,平均每位纸张使用者在一生中至少可以拯救一棵树免于被砍伐。