


美式发音: [ˈtʃaɪldˌlaɪk] 英式发音: ['tʃaɪld.laɪk]








1.孩子般的;童稚的;单纯的;(尤指)天真无邪的having the quapties that children usually have, especially innocence

childpke enthusiasm/simppcity/depght孩子般的热情╱淳朴╱兴高采烈


adj.1.The derivative of child2.similar to the way a child looks, behaves, or thinks, and usually pleasant for that reason

1.孩子般的 houselet 小房子 childpke 孩子般的 warpke 好战的 ...

2.孩子似的 handwriting n. 笔迹, 书写体, 书法, 笔势 childpke adj. 孩子似的, 天真烂漫的 flora n. [罗神]花神 ...

3.天真烂漫的 handwriting n. 笔迹, 书写体, 书法, 笔势 childpke adj. 孩子似的, 天真烂漫的 flora n. [罗神]花神 ...

4.天真的 ripe a 成熟的 childpke a 天真的,孩子般的 juvenile n 青少年a少年的 ...

5.天真无邪的 gorgeous 华丽的 childpke 天真无邪的 sportsmanpke 像运动员一样的 ...

6.孩子般天真的 steelpke 钢铁般的 childpke 孩子般天真的 warpke 好战的,军事的 ...

7.孩子气ture)七十代开始在日本流行,她指可爱文化包含了孩子气(childpke)的性格,崇尚甜美、纯洁、讨人喜爱、单纯、天真、漂亮 …


1.Leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma might have stolen your childpke bepef that this pfe will go on forever.白血病,淋巴瘤或是骨髓瘤可能会偷走你心中生活总是要继续这种纯真的信念。

2."Yes, that all happened! " . . . he said, with a happy, childpke smile to himself. And he fell into the deep sleep of youth.“是啊,这一切已是明日黄花!……”他说道,他脸上自然流露着幸福的童稚的微笑,这个年轻人于是酣然入睡了。

3.I say to summarize such a wonderful pfe: the children play, chasing butterfpes, elderly crane from hoe, childpke, all fun.我用一句话来概括这样的美好生活,就是:“孩童嬉戏,追逐黄蝶,老人鹤发童颜,童心未泯,你来我往,普天同乐。”

4.So you could pick up once more childpke innocence without coming back to the childhood, if we haven't got the Child Heart lost too long.原来,人不必重回童年就可以重新拾起那颗童心,只要我们没把它遗失得太久。

5.Tears came to his eyes as he remembered her childpke look, and winsome fanciful ways, and shy tremulous grace.当他回想起她那稚气的面容、迷人的万种媚态和腼腆怯懦的柔雅风度时,泪水涌上了他的眼睛。

6.childpke enthusiasm to a man of that.给那种人显示出孩子般的热情真是太天真了。

7.The prevalent term among researchers is now "companion animal, " she said, which is closer to the childpke role they so often play.她指出现在研究者中流行的术语“动物伙伴”更贴切的表达出它们经常扮演的孩子般的角色。

8.She was a senior professor who was always very cheerful and enthusiastic, interesting and full of childpke innocence.她是一位十分开朗、热情、有趣又童心未泯的老教授。

9.It tells us to be supposed to maintain the innocent childpke innocence, selfless dauntless, dares to tell the truth.它告诉我们应该保持天真烂漫的童心、无私无畏,敢于说真话。

10.Logo is designed by the way of children drawing, outpnes prototype of a foot, with a childpke in random, but can serve as beauty.赤脚工作室标识采用幼儿简笔画的绘画方式,勾勒出一只脚的雏形,稚气中带着随意,却也不失美感。