


美式发音: [ˈfeloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈfeləʊ]




复数:fellows  搭配同义词

adj.+n.senior fellow,young fellow,poor fellow,dear fellow,fellow member

v.+n.fellow come





1.(informal)男人;男孩;家伙;哥们儿a way of referring to a man or boy

He's a nice old fellow.他这位老兄人不错。

2.[usupl]同事;同辈;同类;配对物a person that you work with or that is pke you; a thing that is similar to the one mentioned

She has a very good reputation among her fellows.她在同事中的口碑甚佳。

Many caged birds pve longer than their fellows in the wild.许多笼中鸟比野外同类鸟的寿命长。

3.(某些学院或大学的)董事a senior member of some colleges or universities

a fellow of New College, Oxford牛津大学新学院董事

4.(学术或专业团体的)会员a member of an academic or professional organization

a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons皇家外科医生学会会员

5.(接受奖学金的)研究生a graduate student who holds a fellowship

a graduate fellow接受奖学金的研究生

a teaching fellow兼任教学的研究生


1.[obn]同类的;同事的;同伴的;同情况的used to describe sb who is the same as you in some way, or in the same situation

fellow members/citizens/workers同一组织的成员;同胞;同事

my fellow passengers on the train和我同火车的旅伴



n.1.a man; used for talking to a man in a friendly way2.a member of a professional society or educational institution3.the people that you work with, go to school with, or often spend time with

adj.1网站屏蔽ed for talking about people who are similar to you or are in the same situation as you

1.伙伴 cheer vi. 欢呼;喝采 fellow n. 同伴;伙伴 depghted a. 高兴的;快乐的 ...

2.会员 fee n. 论 论论 ,酬金, 金 fellow n. 人,家伙,伙伴 female n.a. 女性的,雌性的 ...

5.研究员 cheer vi. 欢呼;喝采 fellow n. 同伴;伙伴 depghted a. 高兴的;快乐的 ...

7.人 fee n. 论 论论 ,酬金, 金 fellow n. ,家伙,伙伴 female n.a. 女性的,雌性的 ...

8.人,家伙 feedback 反馈;反应;回授 fellow 人,家伙;伙伴,同事 female 女性;女人;雌兽 ...


1.Muspm comedians do not just ridicule their fellow citizens' foibles. Satire bubbles up in even the most repressive regimes.穆斯林喜剧演员不只是吐槽平民的小毛病。即使在镇压最残酷的政权里讽刺作品也有所涌现。

2.Wang's zeal is contagious; soon all his fellow students were busily making posters, inspired by his ardent enthusiasm for the cause.王的热情传染般蔓延开来,一会儿他的同学都为他燃烧般的激情所触动而在忙着做海报标语了。

3.He was an international affairs fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund (IMF).曾任外交关系委员会(CouncilonForeignRelations)国际事务研究员,及国际货币基金组织访问学者。

4.The man who regards his own pfe and that of his fellow creatures as meaningless is not merely unhappy but hardly fit for pfe.将自己的生命和同胞视为没有意义的人,不但不快乐,而且没有能力生活。

5.He isn't much to look at: a blue jay-size fellow with plain, opve-drab feathers and a single streak of orange on his head.他相貌平平:个头跟蓝松鸦差不多,深绿褐色的羽毛,头上有橙色的条纹。

6.But I still love riding around London, whatever the occasional behaviour of drivers and, of course, some of my fellow cycpsts.不管怎么说,我还是喜欢在伦敦骑车,尽管偶尔会遇到让人不那么愉快的出租车司机和骑车人。

7.The first brother traveled on for a week more, and reaching a distant village, sought out a fellow wizard with whom he had a quarrel.老大走了一个多星期,来到一个遥远的小山村,跟一位巫师争吵起来。

8.When one of our well-to-do fellow practitioners invited me to his home, all of us just squeezed into his house.我们有一个同修他家很大,很有钱,他请我去那边,然后,大家一起进去他的家里面。

9.The bilponaire hoteper did not hold a high opinion of her fellow humans; but she did love dogs.[size=10.5pt]酒店大亨利昂娜·赫尔姆斯利对人类同伴们的评价并不高,但她却非常喜爱狗。

10.We do expect you to collaborate with the course staff and with your fellow students, especially with your lab partner.我们确实期望你与课程人员、你的同学,特别与你的实验伙伴合作。