



美式发音: [ˈfeloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈfeləʊ]




复数:fellows  搭配同义词

adj.+n.senior fellow,young fellow,poor fellow,dear fellow,fellow member

v.+n.fellow come






n.1.a man; used for talking to a man in a friendly way2.a member of a professional society or educational institution3.the people that you work with, go to school with, or often spend time with

adj.1网站屏蔽ed for talking about people who are similar to you or are in the same situation as you

1.朋友 ... 3b:cards 咭牌一览 4a:fellows 朋友 4b:treasure 宝物 ...

2.研究员 ... acid-forming food 的中文意思 酸性氧化物,成酸氧化物 fellows 伙伴们 feral 野生的,凶猛的 ...

4.费洛斯 folks 人们 fellows 同伴 you guys 那些家伙 ...

7.人 ... fly n. 苍蝇, 两翼昆虫, 飞行 fellows n. , 家伙, 伙伴, 学会特别会员, 朋友, 同事 everywhere adv. 各处, 到处 ...


1.The child was enjoying a chocolate biscuit, which he got from his fellows.翻译小孩从他的伙伴那弄到了一块巧克力饼干,正津津有味地吃着。

2.Fellows, the Department Chief is going to say a few words to us , " announced one of the deputies. "“同学们,现在赵科长来给我们讲话,”一个代表的声音响起来。

3.Topiary's fellows do not seem to be in a mood to venture off into the north wind forever.看起来Topiary的伙伴们并没有“永远伴着北风去冒险”的心情。

4.To thank those faithful fellows who followed him in the exile, he decided to give them an audience and some rewards.昭王感谢这些跟着他流亡国外的忠心人士,决定召见他们,并给予一定的奖励。

5.Boy stole a lesson-book from one of his school-fellows and took it home to his Mother.有个男孩偷了同学的一本教科书,带回家给母亲。

6.The Poor Fellows shoved men aside to open a way through the crowd whilst the Swords fell in on either side of her.穷人集会把人群推开,从中分出一条路,同时,圣剑骑士团走下来分列于她的两边。

7.Dormouse slowly opened his eyes. 'I wasn't asleep, ' he said in a hoarse, feeble voice: 'I heard every word you fellows were saying . '睡鼠慢慢地睁开眼,嘶哑无力地说:“我没有睡,你们说的每一个字我都听着呢。”

8.Even today, people holed up in windowless offices before glowing computer screens may not see their fellows for the better part of each day.即使在今天,在没有窗户的办公室的在闪烁的计算机屏幕前的人们,可能看不到每一天他们同事的更好的部分。

9.Few and mean as my gifts may be, I actually am, and do not need for my own assurance or the assurance of my fellows any secondary testimony.尽管我资质浅薄,可毕竟还是真实的自我,无需任何间接的证明来赢得对自我或朋友的信心。

10.What was also great to see was the kindness of the Chinese Fellows.我们还点了一个南瓜球,大小和一个南瓜差不多。