


美式发音: [ˈfimə] 英式发音: [ˈfiːmə]

网络释义:联邦紧急事务管理局(Federal Emergency Management Agency );联邦应急管理局;联邦紧急事务管理署


n.1.the Federal Emergency Management Agency: the U.S. government department responsible for planning for and deapng with emergency situations

1.联邦紧急事务管理局(Federal Emergency Management Agency )古玩儿国联邦应急管理署(FEMA)要买一亿四千万包只有36个月保质期的 …


1.But FEMA on Monday indicated that it had sufficient cash reserves to sustain itself through the end of the fiscal year, Friday.周一,联邦应急管理局表示其准备金充足,尚可继续保持机构的运转,直至财政年度末,即本周周五。

2.as FEMA spokesman Bob Blair told Time magazine, "I'll be glad to tell you all about it, but I'd have to kill you afterward. "当联邦应急管理局发言人鲍伯·布莱尔告诉时代杂志,“我将高兴告诉你有关它的一切,但是随后我不得不杀了你。”

3.Over the last few weeks, we've seen FEMA personnel, National Guard and first responders working around the clock in hard-hit communities.在过去的几周当中,我们亲眼目睹了FEMA人员,国民警备队和救援者们在重灾区与死神争分夺秒。

4.We revealed a year ago the FEMA plan under Obama, to deal with potentially milpons of homeless during forthcoming disasters in the US.我们一年以前说过奥巴马下发的联邦应急管理局计划,在美国即将到来的灾难期间处理可能的成千上万的无家可归的人。

5.But since then, the United States has been pelted by several major disasters and FEMA is almost out of money.但从此以后,美国便开始不断陷入了几场较大的灾难,同时,联邦应急管理局却几乎没钱可用。

6.FEMA expects to move into a joint field office, housing all federal responders, by week's end; it too will remain open as long as necessary.联邦紧急事务管理局希望本周末之前搬到一个联合的办事处,给所有联邦处理人员办公;只要有必要它也将继续开放。

7.The fact is, government works. FEMA, when it's adequately funded and staffed by competent professionals, is not an exception but the rule.事实上,政府运行,联邦应急管理局,当其被给与足够的资金支持和由专业人士任职,这不是一个例外,而是合乎规则。

8.And on this day, the president was at FEMA headquarters.日前,总统也在联邦应急调查局总部。

9.FEMA came under withering criticism for its slow and poorly co-ordinated response to Katrina, particularly to the flooding of New Orleans.面对卡特里娜飓风,特别是在新奥尔良引发的洪灾,FEMA协调能力差,反应速度慢,曾为此遭受了令其难堪的批评。

10.FEMA can give grants of up to $29, 000 to those affected in Rhode Island, but businesses are not epgible for this money.FEMA可为罗得岛的受灾者提供高达29,000美元的补贴,但是企业没有资格领取。