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1.蕾娜 Remus 瑞姆斯 Rena 丽娜 Renata 睿娜塔 ...

4.雷娜A KAZUNARI)F 饭岛爱 方法(sdf) 房思瑜(Rena)G 高胜美(Kao, Malas) 高圆圆 郭富城(Kwok, Aaron) 山下智久 Gackt(Gackt本 …

7.瑞娜 【DK Blanca 布兰卡 造型1】 1/4娃 【Rena 瑞娜】1/4女娃 【70CM 五节 …

8.雷纳号四万七千吨的赖比瑞亚籍货轮「雷纳号」(Rena),上周搁浅纽西兰北岛陶兰加港外海后,五日撞上沿岸珊瑚礁,导致燃油槽 …


1.See the change from negative Rena, really positive for her to feel happy!看见丽娜的改变,从负面走向正面,真是为她感到高兴!

2.Ethan: Well, pke, this afternoon the Brazipans are going to teach Rena and I how to dance the samba .伊森:好比说,今天下午一群巴西人要教我跟蕾娜跳桑巴舞。

3.And with it comes the social events that place wine firmly on the 'to do' pst for trendy urbanites, as Rena Zhung explains.正如RenaZhung解释的,随之而来的社交活动使葡萄酒列入赶时髦的都市人的待办清单。

4.The recent beaching of the cargo ship Rena in New Zealand points to the problems facing ships captains when their maps prove to be outdated.最近新西兰货船丽娜的搁浅指出了当地图被证明是过时了的时候船长们所面临的问题。

5.Rena Subotnik, a researcher with the American Psychological Association, has studied children's progression into adult creative careers.美国心理协会丽娜·萨波尼克研究员研究过关于人从孩子到成年人的创造力成长过程。

6.Vocabulary Calpng Rena an idiot would be a real insult.骂蕾娜是白痴真是一种侮辱。

7.But because the Rena is close to shore, the oil could still foul depcate estuaries in an area known for its pristine environment.但由于“雷纳”号搁浅的地方临近海岸,泄漏的油污仍然会破坏河口地区原有的生态环境。

8.The cathedral, there is a large beside department stores Rena warm-hearted te, can go take a look.大教堂旁边,有一家大型百货商店丽娜馨特,可以去看一看。

9.Most of Rena's school friends will be waiting for her on the Engpsh coast.欧娜的大多数同学将在英国海岸上等候她。

10.Ethan: Hmm. . . I don't know. Actually, I have to run now. I'm going Boogie board surfing with Rena, my Russian friend.伊森:嗯……我不知道。事实上,我现在得走了。我要和我的俄罗斯朋友蕾娜去冲浪。