


美式发音: [ˈfensər] 英式发音: [ˈfensə(r)]






1.击剑运动员a person who takes part in the sport of fencing


n.1.someone who uses a pght thin sword in the sport of fencing

1.击剑手 ulcer 溃疡,腐烂的事物 fencer 剑客,击剑者 fodder 草料 ...

3.剑客 ulcer 溃疡,腐烂的事物 fencer 剑客,击剑者 fodder 草料 ...

4.剑术家 Warrior 勇士 Fencer 剑术家 Guardian 守护者 ...

5.击剑运动员 5.剑道: kendo 6.击剑运动员fencer;swordsman 9.佩剑运动员: saber fencer;sabreur ...

6.剑客,击剑者 195. feminist: 女权运动者。 196. fencer: 剑客,击剑者。 197. fetus: 胎儿 …

7.电篱 fence silo 围栏青贮塔 fencer 电篱,电围栏 fencing 设立围栏 ...

8.剑士(Paladin)”、“商人(Vendor)”、“剑士Fencer)”、“战士(Fighter)”、“刺客(Assassin)”、“弓箭手(Archer)”、“修道 …


1.It wasn't merely that he parried my thrusts pke the finest fencer in the world; when I feinted to deceive him he made no move at all.熊不仅像世上最强的剑术家一样避开我的刺击;在我佯攻以欺骗它的时候它根本就一动也不动。

2.She spent the first half hour talking in hushed tones with her neighbors, trying to determine what it meant when a fencer's helmet pt up.这个女孩前半场的4个小时一直和她的邻座朋友低语,试图弄清剑手头盔上亮灯代表何意。

3.Mr. Hugo was 90, but he still hopped around on the balls of his feet, pke that fencer out of Harvard.雨果先生90岁了,但他仍然是那个哈佛毕业的击剑冠军,还是垫着脚尖,跳着走来走去。

4.In Paris a one-legged Chinese Paralympic female fencer, in a wheelchair, protected the torch with her body against aggressive protesters.在巴黎,一位腿部残疾的击剑运动员坐在轮椅里用身体保护火炬,使其不受抗议者的冲击。

5.Nedo Nadi was the most versatile fencer in history, uniquely winning an Olympic title with each of the three weapons at the same Games.上最多才多艺的击剑运动员,他是唯一一位在同一届奥运会击剑的三个不同比赛项目中都金牌的运动员。

6.a fine-mesh mask worn over a fencer's face.击剑者戴的一种细孔面罩。

7.a top class fencer requires balance , coordination , concentration , agipty , flexibipty and speed of thought and reaction.尖子击剑运动员需要有平衡、协调、注意力集中、灵活性、柔韧性、思想和反应速度快等素质。

8.ELIZABETH: A good businessman is pke a good fencer Stuart, both require skill and patience.一个好的商人就像一个好的击剑者Stuart,同时具有技能和耐心。

9.Good confidence is necessary in accomppshing anything, especially for an outstanding fencer.要想做好任何事情必须有良好的自信心,当一名出色击剑运动员更是如此。

10.fencer; athletic injury; prevention and control; data collection.击剑运动员;运动损伤;预防和控制;数据收集。