

han chinese

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n.1.a member of the largest ethnic group in China, making up approximately 93 percent of the Chinese population

1.汉族 Member of Communist Party of China 中共党员 Han Chinese 汉民族 Sales Coaching 销售辅导 ...

4.中国汉族 ... References( 参考文献) Han Chinese( 中国汉族) Scottish( 苏格兰人) ...

5.汉民族为主体的中国人 基督教 Christian 3%-4% 汉族华人 Han Chinese 91.9% 佛教 Buddhist ...

7.汉族血统者0 临床意义 HLA-B*1502 基因被发现对於汉族血统者(Han Chinese)因使用 卡巴氮平(Carbamazepine) 药物而引起的史蒂芬强 …

8.汉人族群HLA-B*1502基因的存在被证实与汉人族群(Han Chinese)因服用卡巴氮平(Carbamazepine)或是aromatic antiepileptic drugs (AE…


1.He said the outpouring of support from Han Chinese in the wake of the disaster 'will touch Tibetan peoples' hearts. '他说,地震后汉族人提供的大量援助将使藏族人民从内心中觉得感动。

2.Internet chat rooms were filled with patriotic messages denouncing the protester, who did not appear to be ethnic Han Chinese.这句好象应该翻译为:互联网聊天室里充满爱国呼声,谴责抗议者(扔鞋者显然不是汉族)…

3.The narrow sense of Chinese folk music folk music refers to the Han Chinese music, referred to as "folk music. "民族音乐狭义上的中国民族音乐指的是汉族音乐,简称“民乐”。

4.A bit surprised to see a Han Chinese, he pauses, then takes the money, turning to the Uighur victim.他看到我是汉人,愣了一下。但还是收下钱,走到被撞人。

5.although quite a few have moved out of their old town premises and rented them to Han Chinese migrants for shops and restaurants.但不少人都搬了家,把老房出租给汉人开设商店和餐馆。

6.No matter when whom and why they put up the Lion Carving here, those Han Chinese were not to do it for protection of the Yue Carving.这狮子石刻不管何时何人何事由弄到这个地方,那些古汉人总不会是为了保护这几个古越字吧?

7.For the Han Chinese, donors were required to have at least three of four Han Chinese grandparents .中国汉族样品的捐赠者要求四个祖父母中至少三个是中国汉族人。

8.The Han Chinese, with a few notable exceptions, avoided eating dairy foods altogether: many were, and still are, lactose-intolerant.除了少数特立独行的人,普通汉族人从不食用任何乳制品,即使到现在还有许多人还不能吃乳糖。

9.The initially peaceful Uighur demonstration quickly turned into a violent attack against Han Chinese, leaving scores dead or injured.维吾尔人原本和平的示威很快转变成对汉人的暴力袭击,造成几十人死亡或受伤。

10.In the han Chinese fear of the wen xu the solution record on the word: "the KangChu less frantic jumble as vessel, Shu wine. "在中国汉代许慎怕著《说文解字》中记载:“砟者少康初作箕帚、秫酒。”